Part 17B

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

"Oh she's more than worthy of been a Cane woman alright. She's already got you on your toes boy! And you'll aren't even dating yet. That's what you get for making us all believe that Erica was your mate." Carly says rather sternly.

Youch! I wouldn't want to be Carly's bad side. I felt kind of warm on the inside though, that a motherly figure like Carly somewhat considers me as family.

" Mum?" Blake asks sounding abit bewildered.

" Your mother never liked Erica. She just put a show for you, because we all assumed that Erica was your mate ." Robert answers for Carly.

Erin not forgetting that I'm still in the room gives me the remote to find a movie on Netflix, so that I would be distracted whilst they listened in. I pretend to lazily scroll down options under a random genre, whilst listening in myself. It's definitely wrong of me to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it. I've always been abit too curious for my own good.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Blake asks.

"I don't want to you to be conflicted ,and unhappy. Besides we don't question the moon goddess, she always works in mysterious ways ." Carly says.

"I really messed up, didn't I?" Blake asks sounding abit down.

"Maybe a little, but there's still hope for you yet. You and Bethany seem to be on friendly terms. That's your starting point." Robert encourages.

"She doesn't seem affected by the bond at all, she's always so calm, and collected around me. She's even starting to withdraw herself from us. She thinks we don't notice, but I notice it all. I don't think she wants anything to do with me at all. " Blake says sounding slightly defeated.

It hurt me knowing that he was hurt, especially since I was the one hurting him, but I was left feeling highly confused as well.

It was too soon for Blake to even have feelings, other a natural attraction to me, because of the ex mate bond. So he must be feeling upset I'm withdrawing from him  as a friend right?

"I don't think she's unaffected by the bond. Bethany is a tough girl, her tolerance to emotional pain is probably higher than most people. She's not the type to let others get a read on her. Although I do know for a matter of fact, that she will do her thing with or without you. You still have time before it's too late." Carly encourages.

I didn't know whether to be happy or worried that Blake would fight his way back into my heart . Blake's an amazing guy, he is someone I feel completely at ease with. I just wasn't emotionally prepared for a relationship that wasn't platonic, how will I survive something more than platonic? It's too soon, and risky to even share my secret with him. Would I even have the courage to open up to him? The guilt would eat me up alive, if I hid the truth from him, and his family.

"We should probably head back out before Bethany thinks we are been rude. We'll discuss this later." Robert states, leaving no room for further discussion.

I divert my attention back to the screen, randomly selecting the first movie which pops up. Luckily for me it wasn't anything weird, or embarrassing.

Carly and Robert both sit on a single seater each, next to each other on my left. Erin and Cole were already on the three seater, which is on my right. With the way those lovebirds are cuddling, there is barely any space left on the three seater.This left an empty spot next to me on the love seat. Blake notices this too, because the smile on his face becomes wider. His eyes is filled with mischief, and something darker. His innocent smile turns slightly predatory. My heart skips a few beats, but makes up for it by beating even faster. Gosh my stupid hormones are killing me right now, the beast inside me wants to let loose, if you know what I mean. It seems Blake didn't understand the concept of personal space. He sits down right beside me, our bodies touching. His arm behind my head, whilst resting on the couch. Such a douche move. His body heat is oddly comforting though, and it doesn't seem to bother me at all.

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