Part 8

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

" I've always wanted to enact a rejection dialog." I lie.

Before Blake could say anything, I say "I Bethany Willow Richard accept Blake Cane's rejection."

This must have taken him by surprise, because his face scrunched in pain for a second, before he masked his emotions. This was it! Our bond broken from both sides. It only took a few words to ruin me, I am above that though. I cannot let my peace be reduced to that. Blake steps away leaving me alone in my thoughts, and then the tears start to race down my cheeks. I furiously wipe them away for the second time today, and decide to take the rest of the day off. I deserve it, I tell myself as I start to leave the schools grounds.

Feeling for some chocolate and ice-cream, I decide to hit the local centre. I could see the way people were judging me as I piled my basket with slabs of chocolate. The kids who were too young to go to school, had a look of envy on their face. I just ignore them, as I head to the ice cream isle.

Hmm, look at those flavors! Chocolate, choc mint, oreo, and cookie dough.

"That's a tough choice, I wonder which flavor the lady will choose." A guy standing next to me muses.

I briefly look at him, taking in his features. He was tall, and broad. He had honey colored curly hair, a cute smile and gorgeous pair of grey eyes. He looks around my age I conclude.

"Who ever said this lady had to choose?" I retort back, as I pick a tub of choc mint, and oreo, and place them in my basket.

"Ahh, I really didn't see that coming." He says with a grin on his face. He sticks out his hand to me looking at me expectedly, and says "The name's Chris."

I spot the silver ring on his finger. It looked ancient, maybe it was a family heirloom.

I shake his hand, looking at him directly in the eye. "My name is Bethany." I reply. I note the way his ring brushes against my hand as he pulls his hand away after the handshake. I noticed how he studied my reaction to see if I flinched, however my reaction remains unchanged. He must be a hunter I conclude, but just which kind? I ask myself. We had two different types of hunters. The good hunters only sought out, and killed rogues who were consumed with blood lust, and considered a danger to humans. Then we had the second type of hunters, who saw all werewolves as abominations from hell, and wanted us dead.

I seemed to have 'miraculously' passed his test, because his grin just became wider. Little did he know, that I wasn't the human he made me out to be.

"So what's a pretty lady like you doing here, instead of been at school?" He asks.

"I could ask you the same." I say.

"Hmm I see how it goes. For your information, I'm new around here. I recently moved here with my family. I only got registered today. Tomorrow will be my first day at school." He states.

"You sound pretty excited to start hell." I sarcastically say.

" I see this as a new adventure." He responds.
"So why aren't you in school?" He asks again, sounding curious.

My thoughts snap to today's events, and my heart clenches. I couldn't tell a stranger who I have never met before, that my heart shattered into a million pieces after my ex -mate rejected me. I'd raise all the red flags in this hunter's head, as it is I don't know which type of hunter he is. It would be too risky, and too personal.

I lift my basket up showing him the piled slabs of chocolate, and the two tubs of ice cream. I fake gasp and say "As you can see, my chocolate supply was dangerously low. So a girl has to stock up, school be damned."

He laughs at my antics. "You're so different from all the girls I've met you know." He says.

I snort, and say " Do these lines even work nowadays, I thought you guys were more creative than cliché nowdays."

He snorts back, and says " I have a feeling that you and I will get along just great."

"Nah my chocolate, and ice cream will get along real great with me. Speaking of which I better go before these babies melt. " I say ending our conversation.

"You wound me pretty lady, but atlas I'll see you tomorrow that is if you decide to show up." He cheekily adds.

" I guess we shall see. " I say as I turn around, and make my way to the cashier.

* What was that? *my wolf asks sounding abit curious, and alot more happier.

* What was what? *  I ask confused.

* You know, you not suppressing yourself as much as you usually do. Showing the other sides of you to people like your witty side * She answers back.

* I don't know, I guess I felt a little lighter opening up, and actually feeling abit human. Besides it made me forget for a while you know. Being myself, and not caring for abit. I shouldn't have gotten friendly with the hunter though. He could be bad news, and it's dangerous. He's another person I'd have to worry about figuring my secret. " I say to my wolf.

* He would have figured it out the moment you shook his hand, had we not been immune to silver. I doubt he'd be concerned about you been a werewolf now, since a mere touch of pure silver burns all werewolves* my wolf says.

* You're right, but it still feels wrong to deceive someone like that. I still think it would be best to stay away. * I say.

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