Part 18

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[Bethany's P.o.v]

It is a warm bright, and sunny morning. I'm in a field of orchids. There's a rainbow splash everywhere. Blake is holding my hand, and leading me up a certain path. You could clearly see that he had something planned. I'm feeling abit excited, but then suddenly the excitement turns into fear, loss, and great pain. The clouds turn grey, and it becomes darker by the second. Someone grabs my other hand, pulling me away from Blake. Blake's not strong enough, and he loses grip of my hand. I want to scream, but I couldn't find it in myself to do so. I turn around to see the people, who I thought I wouldn't see for the rest of my life. My parents, pulling me away as if I am a mere piece of rope.
Erica suddenly appears, laughing like a manic, giving me an mad grin. She walks over to the other side, she's going to console Blake. No! Everything around me starts to blur, and suddenly I wake up with a shock.

It was just a dream, I think. My heart is beating at an erratic rate, it takes a while for me to calm down. I glance at the clock near by, it's 8.27 am. Might as well start my day, I think as I roll out of bed. After finishing my breakfast, I decide to pack my bag in advance for Monday. It was only Saturday, but I do like to be prepared. After packing, I decide to round up, and finish my homework. I couldn't neglect my studies. I have so many goals that I want to achieve. Homework is the small starting step towards the completion of those goals.

It was only around 2pm, when I found myself sitting on the couch with nothing left to do.

*Want to talk about your dream? * my wolf asks.

*Yeah, maybe it will help me gain some perspective.* I state.

*I feel your subconscious is showing you your deepest fears. Your parents showing up, and dragging you back to the life we've fought hard to never return to. Erica worming her way back in Blake's life.*  My wolf suggests.

* You are right Silver, but somehow I don't feel that afraid anymore. If my parents try anything, the worst case scenario is still the best for me, you know. I'll send Carly for them. * I chuckle out to my wolf.

*But I think my subconscious is also trying to warn me about the possible extent Erica could go to, to ruin my life. We don't know much about her, she's unpredictable. * I say to my wolf.

*Well whatever she throws your way, you still have me. We'll work through it together, and something tells me that you won't be alone figuratively, and literally right now. * My wolf warns me about the unexpected guests I'm about to have over.

Her tone wasn't alarming so I guess it's familiar people. I glance through the window, and sure enough my wolf senses start to pick up the Cane family's scents. I wasn't kidding when I said last night, that they would always find a way to worm themselves back into my life. I could just picture Carly's smile, the smile indicating that she has won this round. No one said anything against them coming over to visit me. Oh boy! I'm in for quite the afternoon.

I make my way to the front door, opening it just as they arrive. Look at me its only been one day since I've met Carly, and I'm already using her tactics. Well I do admire that woman irrespective of everything else.

" Well hello there Cane family and Erin." I greet with a smile on my face.

"My surname is Bell for future reference." Erin butts in before anyone could say anything.

"Not for long." We hear Cole grumble lowly. Erin blushes so hard that her entire face is tomato red, whilst the parents find this situation highly amusing, and Blake just has this knowing smile on his face.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time." I say whilst gesturing them to come inside.

"So Cane family, and Ms Bell's, to what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit." I ask.

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