Chapter Seven: The Party 1/3

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Chapter Seven: The Party
Cole's POV

"Suck my cock Brian!" I yelled, slamming the bathroom door.

Hi, I'm Cole. And my life? It's kinda crazy.

You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation, Well I'll tell you.

Well I'm going to tell if Brian will leave me the fuck alone.

"Cole! They're skinny jeans! Not fucking clown pants."

"You say potato I say potato!"

Anyways, before Brian rudely interrupted my narration. I'll explain, it'll have to be short because right now Brian is outside the bathroom door trying to convince me to wear a suffocating device.

So before we got to Brian's house I had said bye to my dad and Brian and I left for the house of hell.

Oh and by 'said bye to my dad'. I very nervous tiptoed out the front door as to not wake him up, because waking him up means death!


Abigale wasn't there when we got here, well she was, she was just outside and didn't notice my gay presence before.

Brian brought me into his room, and we started scavenging for clothes to wear, it wasn't hard to find clothes that fit me because A) whenever I sleep at Brian's house I'm always too lazy to pack my bag before I leave so I just leave everything here. And B) Brian and I are roughly the same size so it's not hard for us to share clothes.

So Brian brought me into his room and started looking through 'my drawer' in his dresser and, do you know what he pulled out?

Fucking skinny jeans from, like, the ninth grade.

I haven't grown or gained hardly anything since freshman year, but that doesn't mean I want to wear fucking skinny jeans.

I only wore skinny jeans in 9th grade because my ass looked fantastic, nowadays my ass is fat enough to look fantastic without skinny jeans. Therefor they are irrelevant.

After I told Brian I'd rather be dead than wear skinny jeans he'd pull out something horrific and then say 'guess it's skinny jeans time'. So eventually I did the classic Cole move, got annoyed and ran off while telling him to suck my cock.

You know, the casual.

"Cole wear the damn skinny jeans!" Brian said against the door.

"Cole just wear the damn skinny je— why don't you suck my peepee Brian?!" I hollered back, crossing my arms.

"Abigale is gonna come back inside any minute now and you know how pissed she'll be?" He tried to threaten me.

Jokes on him, I ran a car into a shed.

"Abigale can suck on my nipple piercings!" I shouted back before dramatically placing my back on the door and sliding down like how they do in those very cliche movies.

"Cole I can hear your gay ass being dramatic, just come out here and put the damn skinny jeans on."

I grumbled and placed my head on the floor, peaking through the small hole under the door and searching for Brian's toe. When I found it, I pinched it with my two fingers, earning a very manly scream.

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