Chapter Twenty Two: Sugar daddy??

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Sugar Daddy??
Cole's POV

"Stop." I said, "I'm disappointed in you."

Nathaniel made a face, "What?"

"I said I'm disappointed."


I sighed. Honestly, was there really a way to explain to someone that they're outfit was too good to be talking to be someone like me?

How do you say 'you look too rich to be breathing my air' but in the rich way?

I don't know why Nathaniel was talking to right now, with the book report presentations being tomorrow, I assumed he wanted to be talking about that to me, but I hadn't expected him to approach me how he did.

Honestly, I thought I was about to get socked in the jaw... or get my dick sucked, but more likely socked in the jaw.

He just looked like he had a new wave of confidence in him, it made him hot.

It made me... well, it made me horny to be honest. In my defense! I haven't had action since before I got kicked out. I'm a growing boy.

My body is going through changes.

At least that's what the councilors said in the sixth grade.

"I wanted to ask you something?"

I narrowed my eyes before rolling them and dramatically placing my hands on my hips. "No I will not let you marry Brian, Nathaniel. I don't give you his hand in marriage."

Confused for a second, but then brushing it off the next, Nathaniel shook his head. "No, I was wondering if you wanted to go get nachos again." He paused before quickly saying, "My dad and mom are out and the maids don't normally have dinner with us so..." he sucked in air awkwardly. "Just wanted to ask... ya know?"

I laughed loudly, "Fucking hell, Nathaniel, you don't gotta be so awkward about it. That shit makes me feel awkward and then I act awkward... you don't wanna see me awkward. I don't even know what I'm saying when I'm awkward."

"I didn't think you were capable of being awkward."

I shrugged, "I'm not but I'm funny so I pretend to be awkward so they feel less bad about their social skills."

"Ah yes, because you're all caring right?"

I raised my hands, "I am super caring." I pointed a finger at him, "I don't like your tone, Mr." I paused "Name one time I wasn't caring."

Nathaniel paused, "You threw a shoe at me."

"I dunno what you're talking about."

"I specifically remember you in a tree, and me on the ground, and a shoe coming at my head."

"You're hallucinating, Nathaniel. Are the voices back?"

"Or I could just ask Brian and he could tell me about all the times you weren't caring whatsoever..."

"Shut up." I said, "I'll choke you with a leaf, don't test me."

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