Chapter Forty- Six: Niece and Cool Uncle Cole

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Chapter Forty: Niece and Cool Uncle Cole
Cole's POV

I let out a groan as my back popped and aches, across from me, Nathaniel had his head down, tongue sticking out slightly. Deep in focus.

Me however, I was on my third energy drink, tapping my pencil and bouncing my leg in irritability.

Really just sitting still was irritating me right now. Why? I'll tell you.

"Cole, what question are you on?"

I sent him a slow glance, "four... teen."

"Uh-huh, can I see your paper then?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to cheat," I said confidently.

He snatched up my paper before I even had a chance to flinch and I cringed as he scanned over the work.

"Let's see. Question four..."

I gave him a crooked smile, "I did three!"

"No, Cole. I did three. You sat there and went 'uh-huh. Ohhhh I understand now'."

I groaned, "Why can't you be a loving boyfriend and do it for me," I said, burying my head in my arms, the words muffled.

Telephone Pole ruffled my hair, "Because if I do that, you'll fail your semester test,"

"I don't care, I want to fail it. Can you take it for me?"

"Oh yeah, because they definitely won't be able to tell the difference."

"Just arch your back and stick your ass out, we can give you some hair dye and then just act extremely annoying. Boom, call the height difference and the random gain of a shit ton of a muscle a growth spurt!"

"You're not extremely annoying,"

"Is that all you pulled from that fucking essay I just spoke out to you?"

"Yes, and I don't think you're extremely annoying."

I yawned, "I've been told I am. I think I'm hilarious but a little goes a long way, huh?"

"How so?"

"Well, one person says you're annoying, it sticks. But if I say I'm funny than I think I am. Is that narcissistic?"

"Call anything self love and it works out perfectly,"

"Now that sounds narcissistic."

"I get it from you,"

"Cringe," I laughed and he shot me a look, a slight smile on his face.

"We completely changed topics."

"Again," I continued.

"Okay, back to school. Alright? Come on, I'll help you."

We were in a fucking library. Yes a fucking library. You know what it took to bring me here?

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