Chapter Two: A Throw Down With God

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Chapter Two: A Throw Down With God
Cole's POV

I moaned, squirming in my seat. "So amazingly awesome."

Brain narrowed his eyes at me, "It's Nachos, Cole. It's literally chips, chili and cheese with toppings."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Who shat in your burrito and gave you hemorrhoids?" I asked, annoyed that he would ever dare insult my nachos.

Brian went to say something when his normal soft spoken, annoying - yet attractive because... a man has to hype his best friend up - voice was cut off by a different... somewhat familiar voice.

I winced.

Isabelle Hernandez was the saddest thing around.

Why? You ask.

Because genuinely she was this nice girl. She wasn't model worthy but goddamn she was still stunning, and she didn't have to be model worthy like everybody made out to be, and she used to be very genuine.

But then... oh god then she met, it makes me sick... the popular table.

It's a shame too, she used to tell me about her pet bunny who she named Cheese because Cheesecake was too long and she had a bit of a stammer.

It's all an act though, I give her credit.

She's just trying to fit in somewhere in Highschool, I wasn't gonna sit here and shame her for that.

She became friends with Clair, and even though nobody goes around audibly slut shaming her, everybody whispers about how they know Clair's known for spreading her legs.

This isn't a movie, people don't point and laugh and mock about how Oh! Clair fucked Andrew!

No it's mentioned over text, spread over stupid Snapchat sendits.

And from what I've heard people make it seem as if Nathaniel and Isabelle are constantly fucking, but I knew Isabelle a long ass time ago, and I know that no matter how corrupted she got— Isabelle was saving herself for marriage through and through.

It was almost upsetting to think that maybe it was too long ago. Morals change, so do people. Trust me, I know better than anyone else.

Plus even if she was fucking everyday? Good on her. Sex is great seratonin! I think, I don't know, I'm not a doctor.

Nathaniel looked particularly annoyed this Lunch. After this morning I hadn't seen Mr. Twizzler since the only class we had together was sixth period and even then I made it my very code not to stare at the literal god. Sixth period hadn't come quite yet however.

Honestly, as much as I dislike the guy, I had to give him some credit.

Being born into a rich, well-known family like his - while he does flaunt his money and his nice ass Lambo - he also puts up with almost everyone trying to be his friend.

I say almost because I'd rather be having a man in his 50's call me his dirty whore before I ever try to befriend that man.

Not that it really matters much whether I'm his friend or not. This guy could crush me under his toe and scowl at the scum before my opinion would matter.

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