Chapter Twelve: Helping A Straight-Ass With A Book Report About La Gays

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Chapter Twelve: Helping A Straight-ass With A Book Report About La Gays
Cole's POV

I'm not sure how it happened. One moment I was strutting my shit in my crop top, and the next Mr. Wet Sock was approaching me, saying that he needed a review for the book report.

Which sounded like bullshit to me, but I agreed because he has more suckers and I'm a slut.

I don't know why he was being weird honestly. I mean, if you really think about it, I didn't know the guy at all. I mean, I spent my entire highschool experience disliking him and his glossy hair that looked like Panteens perfect model. But the guy's parent's made like, seven figures, and I was dollar store chapstick worthy. 

But, then again, dollar store chapstick is way better than any other sort and you cannot change my mind. 

But back to my previous point. Nathaniel was acting weird. Like the kinda weird you are after you've watched a coming of age movie and completely change your personality. 

As much as I wanted to be a bad bitch for the rest of the day, I changed my shirt before I went to the library with Mr. Warm pillow. I hastily threw on a clean sweatshirt and, when I came out from my room, I saw my dad standing over the stove, grumbling slightly to himself. 

I stopped about a foot away from him, "Wow you smell like shit." I said with a laugh and he spun around placing his hand over his heart. 

"When did you get back from school?" He asked with a small frown and I checked my phone. 

"About ten minutes ago, I have to go help some stupid bitch with something at the Library so I'll be heading out again here in a second."

My dad frowned, "When was the last time you went to the library?" He asked and there was a small teasing edge to his voice. 

I looked him up and down, "When was the last time you worked out?" 

He lifted the spatula he had and I instinctively flinched. "Joke! It was a joke." I said, raising my hands and laughing slightly. 

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not actually gonna hit you with a spatula." 

I nodded my head, "Good, because I'm pretty sure that would be pretty weird, I'm like... Your son and everything and, while I try not to judge, incest is pretty fucking gross and-" 

"Okay I might actually hit you." 

I laughed loudly, "I'm leaving." I pat his back, "Go take a shower and maybe sleep for the next seven years, you look worse than... well, I can't compare you to anyone without seeming too mean. But go shower." I gave him a tight smile and a slap on the shoulder and left. 

The drive to the Library was full of me screaming K-pop songs (because they're superior)and by screaming I mean screaming the english parts and shakily mumbling the Korean parts. When I made it to the library I was immediately greeted with a shiny and brand new BMW.

I rolled my eyes, I hate rich people I swear on my mothers life, if she is even alive still, but if she's not than I swear on Brian's life.

Nathaniel, which it's getting tiring saying his full name, so expect some extremely creative nickname sometimes soon, was sitting at a table, head down, and on his iPhone 12. 

I don't really understand iPhone, they left the box shape for a smoother shape and then went right back to it after a few years, it doesn't make much sense to me. 

But I'm also not a multimillion dollar company, so my opinion doesn't exactly matter all that much. 

I flopped down next to him and dramatically leant over his shoulder to see what was on his phone. He was on google and at the very top he had searched up: how do I know if I'm actually gay- 

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