Chapter Forty-Seven: Tequila And A little bit of fun

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Chapter Forty-Seven: Tequila and A Little Bit Of Fun
Cole's POV

"Ew," I scoffed, staring at the people in front of us at their own table.

Nathaniel hummed, "What?"

"People," I shivered, "People in relationships, oh god,"

Nathaniel sent me a look, "Aren't we..."

"That's different,"


I coughed, "Allergies these days are a crazy,"

Nathaniel laughed, placing another piece of his baked chicken and looking at it in distaste.

God, you try to do one thing as a loving middle class boyfriend and this is what he does? He should be devouring it, inhaling it.

Is this... dare I say... abuse?

"Wow," I said and he glanced up from his phone with a hum. "Now we're abusive?"

He inhaled and I could audibly hear the chicken launch into the back of his throat which ensued a coughing fit.

"Jesus-" I laughed, rubbing his back.

Not hitting because why would smacking the living shit out of a person coughing, help them?

Unless they're a masochist.

I've heard of a hand choking king, but is there a 'choking on food and being smacked on the back kink?'


Nathaniel quickly drank his water once he got the coughing over, his face was red and veins stuck out on his neck and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry," I said with a huff.

"Am I what?"


"We're abusive?"

"Oh!" I laughed, "Yeah, it's just that uh... you don't seem to be that enthusiastically eating your food,"

"And that's...?"





I paused, a moment of silence pausing, "it's just that..."

Oh lawd and now he was going to argue, if these aren't red flags I don't know what is.

"Cole... what's your favorite food?"

And now forgetting my favorite food? Oh the agony.

Despite my broken heartedness at his nonchalant need to remember the little cute things about me, I answered him.

"Your mom,"

He laughed, "Wow, that was a good one!" He deadpanned, "Okay, now actually answer me," he was leaning over on the table, resting his chin on his hands.

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