Chapter Fifteen: Sleeping In Cars, Five Hours Away From Home

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Chapter Fifteen: Sleeping In Cars, Five Hours Away From Home
Cole's POV

Sometime I think I get a little too... I dunno. Eccentric? Like sometimes I just get this rush of impulse and... well things happen.

Like right now.

Was I supposed to be four towns over, 5 hours away from home and consuming some guys face at three in the morning? Probably not. Was I doing it anyways? Yes.

I know, okay. I do. You can't just... do those things on a whim it's not good. Not healthy or some shit, I dunno. But the house felt too small and, once Nathaniel took me to my car and then I went home, life felt just so damn boring because I wasn't chilling with Brian or annoying my dad.

I was just by myself and out of everything in the world that I hate. (bugs included) I hate being alone the most.

So yeah. That's my explanation for why I grabbed my keys, texted my dad I might not be back by tomorrow or... maybe a few days, packed a small backpack and just left without any plans. I wasn't going to go far, like to Vegas or something. Just somewhere that was different. Just to have fun.

Because I refuse to let my childhood be boring, bland and filled with stress and depression about school. I didn't plan to go to college, so why not just do whatever and have fun?

So I found some places nearby where I could have fun, legally. Don't get your nipples shriveled. Even though I would've preferred to have Brian with me, it wasn't hard for me to start talking to a group of people.

Perks of being extremely extroverted.

I made some new pals, one of them happy to be the guy who's lips happen to be vacuuming mine.

But that's a story for later.

His friends and I skated a bit, hung out some, ate, talked, walked through a park an hour ago in the dark and jokingly scared eachother at random moments.

It was fun.

And then everyone was leaving and this guy asked if I needed a ride to my car, since I ended up jumping in their car to go with them to the skating rink. (Safe I know right? I mean that would've been the perfect group murder.)

Well the car ride was just lame attempts at me flirting and him flushing a slight red color and now we were here.

Him grinding on my lap and both of us making out extremely sloppily. I'm talking hardly no coordination in our movements at all just pure lust.

When was the last time I had the sinful silly?

I'm not sure. It was awhile ago.

I didn't mind topping nor did I mind being a bottom, I just went with whatever. However it kind of shocked me when this small ass guy shoved me into his backseat and practically shoved my face down his throat. If that's wasn't a powerbottom then I don't know what is.

He was a very vocal guy, he looked younger than me, but not too much that I could easily be found as your friendly neighborhood pedophile. He might've even been my age, I'm not sure.

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