Chapter Twenty: Finding Secrets... And Vibrators

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Chapter Twenty: Finding Secrets... And Vibrators

Coles POV

I wasn't showing it, but I wouldn't lie when I said that I really really did not want to be at my home right now. 

I know I know okay, I'm Cole. I am THE Cole. 

But my dad also happened to be THE dad who was super pissed off at me and I pretty much knew that something would probably be thrown at me when I walked it. 

I wasn't scared to enter, I don't get scared. But I didn't want anyone to throw off my groove. 

I sighed as I grabbed the door from under a rock and unlocked it. "I should've made you all look away, otherwise you'll know how to break in and steal my pink dildo." 

"Nobody would even think about touching that Cole." Brian winced. 

"I think about touching it." I said in a mocking voice. 

My dad was literally sitting on the couch when we walked in, he jumped, his eyes flying to me as he stood up quickly arms in fists. 

I couldn't help it. "Yo what the fuck." I said, laughing loudly. "You gonna post up to intruders? You hear the door open and the first thing you do is take the pose you learned from karate in the fourth grade. That's priceless!"

Despite Brian being awkward about coming over too, he did let out a burst of laughter and then covered it by rubbing the back of his neck and coughing. 

"Cole. What the hell are you doing in my house? When I said the whole week I meant the whole damn fucking week." His voice was instantly angry and I hurriedly stopped laughing to either avoid the remote he was about to throw, or to explain myself. 

"Wait wait!" I said, I grabbed Nathaniel. "Dad this is Nathaniel, I'm sure you know him." 

What better way to save your ass then by changing the focus point. 

My dad's anger hesitated for the moment. 

Nathaniel's parents had helped sponsor a decent amount of my dad's car shit. I don't really know much about what my dad does exactly, but, I know it has something to do with making cars strong enough not to break when crashing into sheds.

He bit his lip before sighing, "Hi." He said, voice still frustrated. "I'm Cole's dad." 

Nathaniel stuck out his hand, "It's nice to meet you sir." 

My dad crossed his arms after shaking Nathaniel's hand, glancing at me and looking away with a shake of his head as if telling himself not to hurt me around other people. "Same here. Now, why the hell are you in my house Cole?." 

I grumbled to myself, "Technically it's my house too. I mean, my semen has to be somewhere on the wall-" Maybe I shouldn't have antagonized him, watching as a vein popped out of his head and his eyes glanced to Nathaniel as if telling himself we had someone important in here. "Okay okay. We were gonna go to Brian's but he left his key at home and I know I have a spare key of his in my room." I held up my hands, "It's on my other keychain." 

My other Hentai keychain of course.

"Hurry the fuck up, get your shit, and get the fuck out of my house." He turned to Nathaniel, "I'm sorry you have to be associated with this fuck up." He looked at me again and shook his head once more before turning away.

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