Chapter Thirteen: The World As We Know It Is Over, Cole Is Being Serious

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Chapter Thirteen: The World As We Know It Is Over, Cole Is Being Serious
Cole's POV

I slurped the drool back into my mouth as my mouth salivated around the blue raspberry sucker.

"Okay." I said, situated myself closer so that we could both lean over the book. "What idea do you have of the story, besides the whole 'yes daddy, please let me cum' parts."

Nathaniel went slightly serious, licking his lips. "It has pretty writing? Like sometimes just when you're about to think it was written in some horny guy basement, it becomes beautiful?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, but don't say it like it's a question. If you have to present this in front of the school you have to sound like the most confident bitch out there." I glanced at him before cackling, "Unless someone else from the school has read the book, then you're screwed."

He simply rolled his eyes.

"Okay." I said, leaning back slightly, making him so the same. "Let's think of it like this. Strip the dirty deed from the characters, what do you see relationship wise?" I asked, "Imagine they're saving themselves till marriage or they're both still virgins, ignore the dirty talk in public, focus on the relationship. How is it like?" I asked and was almost appalled by how normal I sounded, oh the agony. I leaned back in to look at the book and he did the same.

He hummed for a second before saying slowly, "Well, I guess at firsts it's kind of toxic, ya know?" He turned towards me, and since we had both leant in, our faces were decently close, I got to see the slight brown tint in those dark dark eyes of his. "But when Angelo gets hurt and Luca realizes how he hated that sight, then it starts to get better. Even though Luca technically cared more about the sex and-"

"shhhh." I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him before removing my gaze from him, slurping up my saliva again. God this sucker was so good. "No dirty shit, pretend like it's uh... pretend it's made for thirteen year olds or something..." then I paused and laugh, "Okay, I know for a fact that thirteen year olds would still read this shit. Pretend it's for eight year olds."

His lips twitched but didn't move up or down and he nodded. "Okay... Well it's toxic at first, but not abusive or mentally abusive, Angelo is just needy for romance and... needy for sexual-"

"No talk of anything with the letters s-e-x in them." I said with a dismissive hand wave.

He sighs slightly irritated but continues, "It's toxic," He repeated for the third time, "Luca doesn't want a relationship and Angelo does so it's kind of along the lines of obsessive from Angelo." He brings his nails to his teeth, giving me a clear view of most of the chewed up nails.

It was almost shit relieving to realize he was at least partly human, I couldn't tell with the practically blindingly smooth skin. I would ask for his skin routine, but I doubt I could afford a single thing he suggested.

"Okay, good, continue."

He sits back, "After that then it just gets better from there." he says with a shrug.

I grin, "Cool, perfect, amazing. Now, do the same thing but only thing about the sexual part of the relationship."

He frowned at me and I scoffed.

"Do it or I will deepthroat your fingers, you fucking cum sock."

He licks his lips and tucks them between his teeth to keep a smile off of his face, "Alright, Alright. Sorry. uh, sex and stuff. I guess, it starts off very... Normal. Like how one night stands normally do, no feelings. And it's like that until they have a fight and have angry sex..."

I cringed at the word, I really hate the word sex.

He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck, obviously slightly uncomfortable. "Then they have morning sex. And after that it starts to get more... I didn't specific. Like, instead of mentioning the good things, Luca starts to mention the imperfect things. Like Angelo's scar on the top of his cheek, or the way Angelo almost forgets about the other person's pleasure if they're just... going at it. It changes." Nathaniels voice was deep and near my ear, I tried to keep my raging gay teenage hormones from screaming 'daddy' and blaming it on the squeak of my shoe.

I nodded my head and pointed at the book. "So take the basis of the two. How did romance help their 'personal' lives and vise versa. Also, how does the book keep things in mind? When they talk about tickling the pickle, do they talk about it as if its a fetish. Is the book written by a horny, women in her thirties or a horny gay guy in his thirties? Or is it written as a way to bring light to homosexual relationships? Is it strictly famous for its lovey dovey scenes, or the scenes where Luca is screaming 'oh my god'."

I change my voice to montone as I quoted Luca for comedic effect, obviously.

"'right there, daddy. Fuck me until I die.' Ya know? What do the reviews think, and finally..." I wiggled my finger at him, "Apart from unbearably horny, how did this book manage to embed itself into your thoughts? During the day, say in Mathematics or Science, did this book every be in the back of your head? Did it ever leave you wanting to sit down and read more of it purely for enjoyment, or because your cock was roughly three times bigger? How did it change you, even if minimum?" I took a deep inhale when I finished talking and then put my head gently down on the desk.

I let out a fake sob.

"Too many words that actually sound sane, I think I need to drive to New York on a wim and just spend a week doing nothing."

I lifted my head from the table and glanced at Nathaniel, he was staring at the book with a serious gaze a thoughtful look on his face.

His eyebrows were furrowed, his cheek filled with air as he held his breath to think deeply, He looked nice even while thinking and that's obviously un-fucking-fair.

I flicked his temple, "Dude, you look like you're taking a shit." I said, breaking him out of his trance.

He glanced over to me, "Ya know..." he trailed, "You're actually really fucking smart." He murmured.

I immediately started flushing. I can't do serious, genuine, non-comedic compliments, they make me start blushing like a little bitch, and Cole never fucking blushes.

"Ah." I said, "I know, I know." I grinned at him and then grabbed the book and bringing it close to my face, "However that doesn't fit my aesthetic, so shut the fuck up." I said and I heard him laugh a bit.

When I glanced from the book he was checking his phone. "The fancy mexican restaurant doesn't close til 9." He said, showing me his phone which read 6:15. "Wanna go?"

He leaned back in his seat and I took a second to roam my eyes over his clothes. I mentioned his sweatshirts earlier, but damn, these look like Armani fucking sweatshirts, and don't even get me started on his jeans which look like they came straight from Kanye West's wardrobe.

When I made it back up to his eyes. Maybe he looked like the king of England and I looked like the king of the sewer rats, but even so I felt my lips tilt up.

"Fuck yeah."


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