Chapter Nineteen: When Life Goes Wrong, Crash A Car Into A Bush

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Chapter Nineteen: When Life Goes Wrong, Crash a Car Into A Bush
Cole's POV

Once we had left and Brian was laughing, that's when I decided I had succeeded on my mission to increase his mood.

But now that his mood was increased, mine had thoroughly decreased. Why?

"I'm sorry Cole." Brian rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't expect them to leave and lock the doors."

Brian, in the midst of his depressive era, had forgotten his house keys and I, for one, was not even remotely athletic (Or had a small enough ass) to fit through his bedroom window. And if I was not small enough no doubt Mr. Statue Of Liberty could even fit a leg through. He's probably get stuck and lose his leg and I was not about to take responsibility for that. 

I fought off a frown, "Eh don't sweat it. I'll pay a surprise visit to my dad anyways. I'm sure he'll be jumping for joy when he sees his beloved son at his door. Oh how he must miss me." I wiped a fake tear off my chin and grinned at Brian.

Brian sent me another apologetic smile, "Still sorry."

I shrugged, "And I'm sorry that Mr. Watermelon-" at this point i've run out of names that coincided with his height so the nicknames were simply the first thing that jumped to my brain. "Has teeth nicer than your grades, sometimes apologies mean nothing Brian. If you really want to make it up to me..." I trailed, suddenly a disturbing thought entered my mind, "Do you think someone's ever fucked a belly button before?" 

Nathaniel coughed, "What?" He asked, confusing lacing his words. 

"Well think about it." I rubbed my chin, "It's a hole right? And I'm sure its warm... well only if you have a innie, outies wouldn't work... well... maybe?" 

"Cole." Brian said, "How the actual fuck did that thought enter your mind?"

I made a face, "By thinking, dumbass."

Nathaniel raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth to say something when Brian cut him off.

"Don't entertain it, we wouldn't understand." 

"Well since you very obviously want me to explain Brian, allow me to." I grinned at him, "And if you have an issue with it you can fuck Nathaniel's belly button."

"What?" Nathaniel raised his eyebrows, "Why mine?"

"Because I have a outie, he can't fuck mine."

"I have an outie too." 

I froze, looked Nathaniel up and down, "Fucking hell. It really sucks that you like mint ice cream."

Nathaniel made a face, "Why?"

"No reason." 

Honestly I'm not sure why, but the idea of Cherry Stem having an outie was attractive. Of course my own outie was not attractive, it was cute on others, but you can't take a confident guy like me and say 'make him have a fat ass but, and here's the funny part, give him an outie.' 

Like that's just unfair, I dunno. 

But Paint Marker having an outie was a different story. I wont call myself a creep, but I was definitely a creep with the way I was imaging a chiseled Paint Marker with an 8 pack and then suddenly you look down and there's just a little stomach penis saying hello to you.

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