Chapter One: Kids, Don't Do Drugs

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Chapter One: Kids, Don't Do Drugs
Coles POV

"Seriously are they alright?"

My best friend Brian looked at me with wide eyes, "Are you?!"

I shrugged, "Could be worst," I gently touched my bruising face, "Could've been a fist that hit me, or a dick. Those hurt at the right velocity, ya know."

"It was a car door." Brian said, an incredulous on his face.

This morning on my way to school, I was passing through the school's parking lot. Normally I went straight to the front doors, which were on the opposite side of the parking lot, but last week I had forgotten my science book in Mr. Alberto's class so I wanted to go through the back so I wouldn't forget to get it this morning.

As a responsible student does.

As I passed by this blue truck, the door suddenly swung wide open and smack me right smack center on my face, injuring my nose and now causing my eyes and my nose to lightly bruise.

It made me look badass, so I wasn't really complaining.

You might be thinking: but Cole, you got hit by a fucking door. Did the person apologize? Are you okay?

And to that the answer is no and yes.

The girl who so eagerly jumped out of her car, gave no interest into my complaints about seeing my dead grandma, and cared much more about...

His name makes me shudder.


Because oh em gee Nathaniel actually came to school today! Oh my god maybe he'll carve his initials into my vagina!

Or penis.

Look, I don't care.

But, this is why you don't do drugs kids. Because then you obsess over men that aren't Jungwoo from NCT.

And yes, I'm fine. At first I considered laying on the ground and blaming the school so I could get paid, but once I realized that, by laying on the ground, I would achieve absolutely nothing but looking like a moron I grumbled my way into school, got my science book and met up with Brian at my locker.

And now here we are. Watching the rats crowd around Nathaniel like his daddy stuck a block of cheese in his suit pockets.

Look, I get the kid's living his life, and after my rant yesterday, you'd think I'd be the last one to care about him.

But something about this guy just... sets me off. Something about his appearance...

Why was he so goddamn, freakishly tall? Imagine seeing this man in heels? You'd have thought you were finally about to be pulled out of hell by an angel.

Do I have a problem admitting that I would let this man pick a strand of hair out of my head and make a vodo doll with it? Absolutely not! This man was the complete definition of 'grab the chains and call me daddy'.

I mean fuck, it was like the sun physically got terrified when he saw him.

His hair was blonde and always - no matter how it was styled - looked extremely well tamed. He could give himself a rat tail and I'd still tie this mans shoes for him.

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