Chapter Twenty-Five: Fisting places where the sun dont shine

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Fosting Places Where The Sun Don't Shine
Cole's POV

There are parts of my life where I have a shit ton of fun. Obviously, because I'm Cole I have to have fun.

Life is nothing if you spend it all sad or heartbroken or in misery. It's not something that can change overnight but something that comes with realization.

And boy I fucking love it. I love every minute of it.

Sneaking out of the house at 3 AM, getting a stick and poke tattoo and getting invited to a party wasn't the plan, until it became the plan.

The only issue with living impulsively, is it really is impulsive when you find yourself being beat the fuck out of at a bar.

I don't even know how it happened and if you asked me to recall every little feature I wouldn't be able to.

All I know is that: I'm not a big guy, I'm not bulky or intimidating. I don't like violence, boo violence bad ooga booga.

But I know sexual assault when I see it and I'm not about to ask someone bigger and bulkier than me to call someone out for me.

In return it landed me here, in the ER in a town probably three hours away from my house without a dad in sight.

But Brian was here. Brian's always here.

Which was nice, I loved Brian. I think the first thing I thought of when the guys fist collided with my face (besides 'I hope this doesn't fuck up my perfect nose') was that Brian was going to be pissed.

"You're a moron!"

I grinned, "But I'm a moron with a really bad boo boo, so you should be nicer to me." I said in hope that, in the deepest parts of Brian's soul he'd be kind enough to spare me his dad lecture.

"Cole." Brain said seriously, "Dude you just... do you see what the fuck just happened? Are you registering it properly?"

I grinned, "Hell yeah I am, I whooped some guys ass."


"Yeah the sucker got a good few punches on me. But you should've seen his face when I called him out..." I trailed off at Brian's unamused face. "The doctors are just keeping me overnight." I grinned, "And look!" I held my hand out, "I got a tattoo."

Brian snatched my hand up as if I showed him his golden, stolen Rolex I copped from him after an intimate night in the sheets.

"You got a tattoo?!" He exclaimed, licking his thumb and moving to try and wipe it up.

I pulled my hand away, "Yes you fucking lunatic. And it was repeatedly stabbed with like five needles please don't put your sperm infested saliva onto my cool ass tattoo."

"Cole!" Brian snapped, "Your dad is literally going to kick you out for good! Are you insane?!"

I cringed, bringing my unwrapped hand to my good ear.

My other hand got injured, probably when I was trying to shove my fist up the guys ass.

Kinky, I know, but I've done it before and that guy had no problem with it! I dunno why this guy was so mad about it.

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