Chapter Six: fatass or fat ass?

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"Cole you're being dramatic." Brian said and I rolled my eyes.

"Dramatic? Brian the man read smut to me, do you realize how fucking not dramatic my reaction to that is?!" I threw my hands up and rubbed my temples.

Here's how yesterday went.

After I shamelessly asked Nathaniel to read to me, he did.

The motherfucker actually started to read gay smut to me, in public, out loud, shamelessly.

I talk big. I'll admit that. I talk really really big. But when this guy started the paragraph I just couldn't let him go on. He may be perfectly fine with reading gay smut out loud, but I'm not okay with him reading gay smut out loud.

I mean come on! I was joking! It was a joke.

Wheres the laughter? The push and the 'oh Cole you silly goose'.

No where! Exactly my problem!

Anyways. I placed my hand on the book when he started reading, told him that I was being sarcastic and asked if he'd like to switch out the book of porn for the Box Car Children.

You know what this hot ass rich mother fucker told me?

"No thanks. I want to see what kind of books you read."

Then that led to me shamefully trying to explain that it was Brian's book and not mine, which led to Nathaniel looking at me with a raised eyebrow and saying 'uh-huh'.

I didn't even really like the book! Okay, I did. But I didn't read books! This wasn't the 'kind of book I read'.

So now I was beating up Brian.

Per norm.

I wasn't actually beating him up, I was just talking to him about my traumatic experience and how Nathaniel now thinks I read gay smut in my free time.

"Stop complaining dude. Why do you even care? You've never cared about what people think about you before." Brian said, raising an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"Nobody's ever believed that I read gay smut in my free time. I mean..." I paused, "I do. But they don't need to know that."

Brian rolled his eyes and curled up in a ball on my bed. "He's reading it too, Cole, stop worrying. If he wasn't weirded out by it, then chances are he isn't weirded out by you."

I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips, "I don't care if he's weirded out by me." I grumbled before flopping in my bed and pushing him over. I snatched my blanket away and wrapped it around myself. "Everybody is weirded out by me and I love that." I grinned as I closed my eyes.

Brian groaned, "I'm not weirded out by you. Just annoyed."

I let out a loud exaggerated snore to show Brian that his opinion was falling on my ears, and my ears did not care.

I listened as Brian stood up slowly, grabbed a blanket out of my closet and laid back down. He grumbled as he faced away from me.

I sighed.

I could use a nap.


"Ow you mother fucker!" Brian shouted, throwing another pillow at me.

I yawned sleepily, letting it hit me in the face before groggily glaring. "What the hell-" I stopped short, "How'd you get on the floor?"

Brian glared, "Your fat ass pushed me off!"

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ears and fluttered my eye lashes, "You think I have a fat ass?"

Brian stood up and attempted to shove me off the bed but I grabbed his upper arm.

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