Chapter 7.6

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"Don't forget Bee-bot," Celeste reminded as Moon escorted Celeste to freedom, hand in hand. 

Moon held open a cargo pocket on his dark pants leg, allowing the miniature robot to buzz and shimmy inside. He tucked it into a leg pocket of his dark pants. They stepped through the doorway into a room lined with plastic crates on one side and a desk on the other, leading to another door that opened to a long vacant hallway.

Celeste stuck her head out of the door. "Umm, do you know where we are going?"

He shrugged. "Not really. But I brought someone who does."

"Who?" Celeste's eyes widened to a hooded figure that rounded the corner and approached them. Long blonde hair peaked out from the hood. "Angelique?"

The woman pulled back her hood and smiled. "Yes, Priestess."

Celeste began to speak, but Moon interrupted her. "No time to chat now. Let's get going."

Angelique produced three brown cloaks from a bag slung over her shoulder. "Here, put these on. Pull the hood over your head in case the security cams have your image."

Nanny-bot struggled with the cloak. "Sir, this garment is unacceptable. It interferes with my vision."

Moon grinned. "Sai, you have it on backwards. The hood opening should be in front of your face."

"Oh, yes, sir. That would improve its functionality."

"This way." With a motion, Angelique led them down the hallway.

The narrow hallway opened onto a wide causeway that curved off into the distance. White walls arched to a tall ceiling with narrow lighting panels above providing comfortable illumination. Large windows on one side looked out into the vacuum of space, the view dominated by green and blue swirling clouds of the gas-giant planet around which the Oracle Station orbited.

Streams of people moved past each other like rivers flowing in opposite directions. There were all manners of garb; from dirty overalls of mechanics and miners, to loose-fitting tunics of clerks and sellers, to slinky form fitting outfits on women hoping to turn eyes their way.

They merged into the crowd, walking beside the windows with Angelique leading the way. Few people took notice of them as they passed. Those that did seemed to show only passing interest in Nanny-bot, although an android-type robot was not entirely novel. Eventually they turned off at an alcove lined with casual eateries and bars, continuing on through a set of arched doors into a less crowded area.

Celeste stopped and bent over, raising her hand. She panted. "I'm sorry. I can't keep up this pace."

"Then I'll have to carry you." She yelped as Moon scooped her up into his arms, pulling her to his chest. He grunted. "Uhh. You've really gotten heavy, Celeste."

She narrowed her eyes. "I am pregnant with triplets."

As he walked on, Celeste nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. Her heart fluttered. This feels good.

Angelique led them through a doorway into an open area containing rows of white transport pods that resembled giant eggs with flattened bottoms. Each could accommodate up to six people with extra room for luggage. Large windows provided a full view of the journey. She swung open the gull-wing door on a pod at the front of the row.

Moon assisted Celeste into the front seat beside Angelique, then he and Nanny-bot took the middle row seats. The door descended and latched closed. Angelique inserted a plastic card into a slot and spoke a command. "Pythia sector. External maintenance deck."

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