Chapter 9.4

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The contractions came like clockwork. Celeste closed her eyes for each while puffing in rhythmic breaths. Moon admired how well she faced the pain, treating it as an honored duty, even as the intensity increased.

She spent the hours in Moon's bedroom, other than periodic trips to the med-bay for scans at Sai's insistence. Not being one to lay still, she took to decorating the walls between contractions, pinning up the children's drawings that before laid hidden in the bottom of a drawer. Moon didn't mind at all. The simple joy portrayed by the crude sketches poured into the room.

He shook his head. Why didn't I do this before?

Over the last few weeks, Moon's bedroom had also become Celeste's bedroom. And he didn't mind that either. It felt right, and more than just a primal urge to protect the carrier of his children. Her close presence generated a pleasing warmth that settled deep into his soul. Sometimes when she slept close, he would feel the quickening in her womb, as if the babies reached out for him.

He smiled as he gazed across the bedroom. Soon this place will become much more chaotic.

After the next contraction faded, Moon rubbed Celeste's lower back as she sat on the edge of the bed, hunching forward only as much as her belly allowed. She purred. "Oh, that feels good..."

He stopped the massage and asked, "What do the contractions feel like?"

"Like the worst menstrual cramps ever. But I can handle it." She put an arm across her extended belly and spoke to it. "I am so ready for you three to come out."

He resumed the massage, kneading the muscles on both sides of her spine. "It is a good thing that women do the child birthing, otherwise our species would have gone extinct."

"Most likely." She paused and closed her eyes as Moon rubbed a certain spot on her back. "Mmm, yes. Right there..." She sat up and sighed. "My belly feels so heavy."

"I have an idea." He called out, "Sai, connect audio to Mihra."

"Yes, sir."

In a few moments a voice responded. "You rang?"

Moon answered. "Mihra, would it be alright if we reduced the gravity here? I think it might make Celeste more comfortable."

"The babies have descended, so it should be fine. But not too much. We may want to turn the gravity back up during the actual delivery."

He nodded. "Okay." Looking up, he said, "Sai reduce local gravity to sixty-percent gee."

Celeste smiled. "That was considerate of you, Moon. Thank you."

He shrugged. "Yup, that's me, Mr. Considerate."

"You do have your moments."

"Just don't go bouncing off the walls."

The contractions continued, yet again increasing in intensity and frequency. Celeste abandoned the room redecoration and laid on the bed, propped up by a pile of pillows.

During each, she closed her eyes with steeled expression. A steady discipline of panting breaths passed through pursed lips as her gut tightened and tiny drops of sweat glistened on her brow. She seemed to focus solely on the moment, embracing the pain rather than hiding from it. Moon cradled her hand within his, offering what support he could. Her resolve and resilience continued to impress him.

As the tightness in Celeste's face faded with a retreating contraction, Moon brushed long dark hair from her face. He offered an affirmation. "You are doing great. It can't be long now."

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