Chapter 9.2

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On the bridge, Moon pivoted the captain's chair to face Celeste. "I like the idea of having a physician present at the birth, but are you sure you can trust her?"

"I do trust her."

He shook his head. "Yeah, well, I trusted Silver. And you saw what happened."

"Silver was driven by greed. Mihra Gwend dedicated her life to charity and the Sol Way. She was the Priestess who helped me up from the lowest point of my life and gave me purpose. She is the reason I became a Sol Priestess." Celeste took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. "I grew up on a Venuna mining outpost. My mom cared more about her career than me, so I ran away and became mixed up with a bad crowd. At my lowest point, Mihra took me in. If not for her, I probably would have ended up in prison or dead."

"I can't imagine you as a rebellious teen. But what's that saying? Great sinners make great saints?"

"I take my vows seriously, but I am hardly a saint."

Moon nodded, deferring to her judgment of character. "Okay. Venuna is a newly terraformed world and, the last I knew, had no Commonwealth presence. As long as we can get in and out without anyone else noticing, I'm good. Give her a call."

Celeste spoke to the ceiling, "Sai, connect me to the Office of the Sol Priestess at the Venuna colony. Audio only for now."

A voice responded. "Yes, Priestess."

After a few moments and a beep, another voice responded. "This is Mihra."

What will she think of me now? Celeste took a quick breath to calm her tingling nerves. "Mihra, this is Celeste."

After a short pause, the voice said, "Celeste? Be it really you? You in a big mess, girl."

"A very big mess. Are you able to talk privately?"

"Yes. I am alone now."

"Let's enable visual." Celeste wiggled a finger.

A broad-faced woman with dark brown skin appeared on the large view-screen in front of the control panels.  Her thick black curly hair laid swept back, held in place with a bright red head band. The sparkling eyes, laugh lines on her face, and gray streaks in her hair, gave her the appearance of someone's favorite grandmother. She sat behind a cluttered desk.

Mihra's thick lips turned up in a smile. "Celeste! It be you!" Her eyes widened as they turned down. "Oh... You seem to have a condition, girl."

Celeste patted her belly. "It is this condition that I wish to discuss." She turned her head and spoke in a lower volume. "Sai, transmit my medical files."

Mihra dropped her eyes down to a tablet on her desk. "Let's see... Three of them! Due in about twenty Earth-days. Your blood pressure be a bit elevated, but that's fairly typical this late in the game. Looks like you have quite a detailed nutrition and activity program." She looked up. "Who prescribed this?"

Celeste rolled her eyes. "Sai, our ship AI. And she has been a tyrant about compliance."

"Good". Mihra narrowed her eyes. "So, is there a father in the picture?"

Celeste tilted her head. "Yes, but it's complicated."

"It usually isn't as much as we think it is."

As Celeste spread her outstretched arms, the video view expanded to include Moon in the view. Mihra maintained a narrow-eyed expression of obvious disapproval.

Moon raised his hand in a wave and grinned. "Hi. I'm part of why this is complicated."

Mihra put a hand to her forehead. "Celeste... You be accused of terrorism, thrown out of the Priesthood, and now you be pregnant. What happened to you, girl? I taught you better than that."

Celeste raised a hand. "Mihra, please, hear me out. This is Moon. He is the father of the babies, but, genetically, I am not their mother."


"I was with Iona when she died. While we still could, we took eggs from her ovaries and fled. We meant to preserve the line of the Empress, but due to, umm, complications, Moon fertilized them and I implanted them in my own womb."  The older woman's eyes widened as the realization came over her. Celeste continued, "Mihra, I will give birth to the true Sol Empress heir."

Mihra paused frozen as her mouth gaped. "You were right, Celeste. It be complicated."

"There is more. I am hunted. Moon has already saved my life more than once." She dipped her head. "There were five of us who took the eggs and fled. I am the only one still alive. I did none of what I am accused. Please believe me."

Mihra gazed at Celeste for a moment, then nodded. "You never could lie to me. I believe you, girl. Does Ali Zahara know of this?"

"I don't know, but she is complicit somehow."

"Complicit with who?"

Celeste said, "Someone with power, willing to expend a fortune to destroy me and the Line of the Empress. I think the Trade Consortium is behind it all. They do not want a Sol Empress they cannot control."

"Iona was a thorn in their side. But to kill her? That be drastic, even for them." Mihra shook her head. "What may I do to help?"

Celeste smiled. "Thank you. That means a lot to me. I, we, would like you to assist with the birth and make sure the babies are well."

"Of course, girl. Be you near?"

Moon responded. "We are about fifteen days out. But is it safe to land there? Those who wish to kill Celeste are very persistent. This must be kept secret."

Mihra shook her head. "Too many eyes here. Besides, there be a Commonwealth Frigate docked at the port now. But more importantly, triplets almost always come early. I will come to you. What medical resources do you have on-board?"

Moon responded, "We have a single bed medical bay with robotic surgical capabilities, but we could use some baby supplies."

"Good. I have a long-shuttle at my disposal and should be off within a day. I'll need to come up with a good explanation, though. Once away, we can plot a rendezvous."

Celeste tightened her lips. "Mihra, you need to understand that doing this will put you in danger. Those hunting me have shown no consideration for human life."

Mihra grinned. "That I understand. But we both be sworn to serve the Empress. You bear new hope, Celeste, and I would not miss it." She blew a kiss to Celeste. "You always did know how to complicate my life, girl. Until later."

Celeste smiled as the video feed ended but dropped it when she noticed Moon smirking at her. "What?"

"Sooo... You complicated her life?"

"I was a wild child when I met her. I don't know what she saw in me, but I did make her life difficult until I saw the light. I am grateful she stuck with me."

Moon laughed. "It is hard to imagine you as a wild child. Mihra must have some great stories to tell."

Celeste's eyes widened and her breath hitched. "You wouldn't ask... would you?"

He put on a sly smile. "It's only fair, with the way you get Sai to talk about my past."

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