Chapter 20.3

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Sai spoke through the bridge overhead speaker. "Sir, the pirate ship has adjusted course, turning toward our approach vector."

Moon raised an eyebrow. "So, they've noticed us. Time to intercept?"

"Two-minutes-and-forty-seconds, sir."

New telemetry data appeared on a display panel. Moon mumbled, "Looks like an old survey cruiser, probably upgraded." He looked up. "Okay, Sai. Let's overshoot. Come out of quantum space behind them and below. Try to get close, within a kilometer if you can, and match speed. Enable the point defense cannons and load a couple of stingers in case they don't see things our way."

A targeting and weapon status display appeared on the panel to Moon's right.

Moon turned toward his daughter. "Because of the fusion thruster configuration, that kind of ship has a weapons system blind spot. That's where we will try to be. Better buckle up, just in case."

Faith gulped as she fastened down the seat restraints. "Dad, how do you know so much about all this?"

"From being an engineer in the Commonwealth Military for a while. Served on a cruiser and then a frigate. And saw some action on my old hauler, the Phoenix Star, before and when you were born. I have a few more stories I could tell you."

Sai joined the conversation. "Yes, Faith. There was the time when Captain Moon outran a quantum torpedo and--"

Moon interrupted. "Not now, Sai! Story time later. Time to intercept?"

"Thirty-four seconds, sir."

"The moment we drop out of quantum space, hail the pirate ship."

"Yes, sir."

An apprehension tightened in Faith's chest, stealing away a breath. Her hand traced the outline of the inhaler in her pants cargo pocket.

Moon reached across and put a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "We've got this. Sai and I have faced much worse threats before. Actually, so have you."

She took a deep breath. At least he didn't say no worries. Not literally, anyway.

Sai announced. "Coming out of quantum space now, sir. We are seven-hundred meters astern and thirty-two degrees down angle from the pirate ship."

A visual image appeared on a display panel. Even with optical enhancement, the dark boxy shape of the pirate ship was difficult to make out against the black of space, except for a faint blue glow emanating from the cylindrical fusion thrusters.

Moon smiled. "Awesome flying, Sai!"

"Thank you, sir. They have accepted our hail."

"Enable visual."

A scarred face with a scruffy short beard and greasy brown hair tied back in a short ponytail appeared on a display screen. Moon narrowed his eyes, but spoke in an measured voice. "Unknown pirate ship, you are requested to cease hostilities and withdraw."

The man snarled, baring yellowed teeth. "Fuck off! You made a big mistake interfering with us."

The transmission terminated.

Moon tilted his head toward his wide-eyed daughter. He shrugged. "I did ask nicely."

Sai said, "Sir, the pirate ship has launched drones from starboard and port sides."

Moon spread his hands, magnifying the ship on the visual display. Two rounded objects mounted with three tubes flew out from the ship. He frowned. "Remote missile platforms. Sai, target them with the point defense cannons. Take them out!"

The Line of the Sol EmpressOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora