Chapter 3.3

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Moon confuses me. There is a hidden depth to him.

Pushing aside the questions in her mind, Celeste walked into the galley just as Moon extracted two plastic covered trays from the warmer. She swung her duffle bag from her shoulder and placed it on a counter. "What culinary masterpiece have you prepared?"

Moon bowed with a grin. "Only the best for the Priestess. I believe they were marked dinner - serve warm. Think of them more as a gastronomic mystery."

She grinned back at him. "Yum, I can't wait."

"Shall we partake in the garden?"

"The garden?"

He tilted his head toward the hatch. "Grab a couple ales and follow me."

Shaking her head, Celeste said, "No ale until you do a head diagnostic scan." She snatched up two clear bottles of water instead and followed him into the passageway.

He turned his head back. "You're still being mean."

Celeste's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as he opened the hatch at the end of the passageway. "Moon, this is amazing!"

Plants filled a room about twice the size of his cabin. Fragrant aromas, sweet and fruity, held thick in the humid air. Vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers of many kinds stood up from raised rectangular beds positioned in neat rows across the room. Trees brushed the ceiling at the four corners, some laden with fruit. He led her down a center aisle to a small wooden table and benches secured to the floor in the middle of the room. With only a few emergency lights shining, the garden appeared as if at dusk.

Moon set the food trays on the table. Celeste sat down, turning her head about to take in the surrounding flora. "Moon, I never would have taken you as a gardener."

He shrugged, tilting his head. "It takes up some potential cargo space, but on long hauls, it provides some fresh produce and helps keep me sane."

Rising, Moon walked a few paces to a bed brimming with colorful flowers. He snipped a single purple lavender flower stalk and placed it before Celeste. She smiled and lifted the flower to her nose to take in the sweet perfume. Her cheeks warmed.

Oh, so this is a date?

He peeled back the plastic covering off the ration pack and poked at the contents of each of three tray sections with a fork. He scooped a morsel into his mouth. Chewing, he pulled his eyebrows down. "I still don't know what this is. It needs something more for flavor."

Moon stood up. "Fortunately, I have an herb garden." Turning to a nearby bed, he snipped several green leaves. "Some sweet basil and cilantro might help." Chopping them into small pieces, he shared half of the herbs with Celeste.

She took a bite and nodded. "They do help. Thank you."

Responding to a beep, Moon extracted a hand-held viewer from a leg pocket of his black pants. He said, "That might be Sai. I started the reboot process before dinner."

Celeste nodded. Then this is not a date. I do not understand him.

Moon placed the viewer on the table. "Sai, is that you?"

Sai sounded almost gleeful. "Oh yes! I am exceedingly happy that you survived, sir."

He grinned. "As am I, my friend. Good to hear your voice again."

"How did the Priestess fare, sir?"

Celeste spoke up. "I am here with Moon, Sai. Alive and well."

"That is pleasing to me, Priestess." Sai paused. "I seem unable to access the video and audio intra-ship sensors."

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