Chapter 29.6

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Tingles crawled down Hope's spine at the news. They are here already?

Before anyone responded, a blast echoed through the hall like thunder. The outside door caved in, twisting on its hinges amid billowing smoke. Screams broke out as the people inside scrambled to find cover and scattered cries rose from the children. Sura sheltered Amil in her arms, her breath quickening.

Angelique marched to the breached door, growling under her breath. At the threshold, she crossed her arms and shouted. "What is the meaning of this, Massen!"

Gabriel and Hope peeked out a window. He pointed. "That big man with the gold head-wrap, he is a leader in the Khan."

"You know why I be here." The man replied, surrounded by a contingent of guards in red and green uniforms. "Send the woman out or we will come and get her." A wide smile came to his face, white teeth contrasting with dark skin. "You will not want that."

Also accompanying Massen were a squad of Commonwealth Marines wearing dark-blue tactical suits and rounded helmets, each carrying a pulse rifle, and two men in crisp business suits sporting Trade Consortium crests. But most fearsome was a battle-bot, standing nearly three meters tall on thick metal feet, with twin rapid-fire pulse cannons extending from its shoulders and grappling claws like talons hanging at its side. A red light within a sensor array on its head swept back and forth.

And no doubt they have the entire facility surrounded.

Angelique came up to Hope, a grim expression on her face. "Empress, we need to get you out of here."


"But Empress--"

Hope shook her head. "If I do not stand with the people, then I would be unworthy of the title." She sighed, accepting what seemed inevitable. After all this, they still take me. She turned, narrowing her eyes at her brother's wide grin. "What are you smiling at?"

"Don't you understand? Hope, those battle-bots are controlled with an advanced AI."

As the realization came to Hope, her grin matched Gabriel's. "Oh, yeah..." She turned back to Angelique. "In my room, I have the Signet test device that I took from the Priestess' office. Would you get it for me? I tell you truly, this is far from over."

Later, with the shiny metal Signet tube in Angelique's hand, she and Hope stood at the doorway. "We are coming out." Angelique announced, holding her hands up.

With a supportive nod from Gabriel, the women stepped outside, squinting in the bright sunlight. Together, they walked toward Massen while the others assembled in the dusty street. The cannon turrets on the battle-bot tracked their progress. By this time, a crowd of onlookers had gathered, forming a wide semi-circle set apart from the soldiers.

Massen tilted his head toward one of the Consortium officials standing at his side. The official, wearing a dark suit under the scorching sun, wiped sweat from his brow while scrolling through a tablet viewer, then nodded. "She is the one."

Narrowing her eyes, Angelique said to the Khan leader, "Tell me, Massen, what do you get for her?"

"A substantial bounty and favorable trade allowances." He flashed a big smile. "It just be good business."

Hope wandered to the battle-bot, coming within a half-meter and looking high up into its sensor array. A cannon turret pointed at her, nearly touching her face. Hope directed a question to the Commonwealth officer standing nearby. "I am curious, Lieutenant, is this bot as dangerous as it appears?"

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