Chapter 29.5

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Lissa was surprisingly supportive of the date, even finding a flattering black dress from the shelter's stock of donated clothes and helping Hope prepare. But she would not relent and give Hope's prosthetic leg back. Transportation would be by wheelchair.

Hope fidgeted as the appointed hour approached. What am I, a teen again? A part of her doubted the appropriateness of it. An Empress can't ever have a long-term romantic relationship with anyone. But she could not deny her attraction. Although, a casual date won't hurt.

True to his word, Stephen arrived just as the sun touched the horizon, casting a reddened beam through the small window high on the opposite wall. Hope rose from the wheelchair on one leg, holding on for support. He wore a simple white collared shirt made of a silky material and smooth black trousers. His typical mussed hair had been tamed into orderly waves.

His eyes scanned her. "Wow... You look... You are stunning."

A warmth came to her cheeks. "Thank you. You are not so bad yourself."

"Shall we?" he said, lending a hand to help her sit in the wheelchair. "Our table waits."

"Where are you taking me? I really should not go out in public."

He grinned as he wheeled her out. "A very exclusive and private establishment. You'll see."

It confused Hope when the elevator went up instead of down, but when they emerged on the flat roof, she understood. On the far end sat a small linen-covered table with two chairs. Two place settings and a colorful flower arrangement between two shimmering lamps adorned the top. A tablet viewer propped up on a side table played soft music.

Hope smiled. "Exclusive indeed."

As Stephen wheeled her forward, he explained. "I come up here sometimes to escape. It has a magnificent view, especially at sunset."

Only a sliver of the retreating sun peeked over the white-topped mountains in the distance, painting layers of high clouds in reds and oranges against an indigo sky. At the edge of the city, the three-story building overlooked a valley with a slender ribbon of blue water and riparian green at the bottom. Beyond that, rocky hills littered with low scattered trees rose to meet the mountains.

Hope felt what little tension remained in her fade away. "Beautiful."

"Yes," he said, gazing at her. "And so is the sunset."

"Oh, that was a good one," Hope said with a giggle.

After seating his date at the table, Stephen served a simple meal from an insulated box on the side table. It comprised a brothy soup with dark bread, pasta with a spicy white sauce and vegetables, and bread pudding for dessert. As they ate, the sky transformed to night. The stars appeared one by one, becoming a multitude of twinkling lights. Rising twin moons provided an enchanting golden light.

Hope gazed at the horizon as the final sliver of day surrendered to the night. He asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Stephen, it is absolutely perfect. Thank you so much."

"The night is still young," he said, rising from his chair. "Care for a dance under the stars?"

She tilted her head. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm missing part of a leg. I don't think I can dance."

"Well, perhaps not a tango, but by dancing I meant swaying together to the music."

"Maybe I could do that."

Stephen picked her up in his arms and placed her on the makeshift dance floor. He took up her hand and with the other arm, encircled her waist, holding her close. Hope supported herself with a hand on his shoulder. True to his word, they swayed back and forth to a slow beat.

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