Chapter 18

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Nothing reveals the character of a person like the acquisition of power.

     - Writings of the Sol Empress, Words of Faith


For the powerful, life is good.

Diego gazed out the expansive windows of the Hoge Toren penthouse suite, his hands clasped behind his back. It had the best view on all of Vers Nederland, overlooking formal gardens and rolling green hills leading to a sparkling blue sea. A line of dark turbulent clouds, frothy white at the edges, rolled in the distance, heralding an approaching storm, one for the century by some predictions.

The common man will scurry and cower at the onslaught. But not Diego. Insulated by wealth, he would simply enjoy the view.

He stroked his artistically trimmed beard, a signature look. A bit of gray streaked the otherwise dark hair, purposely so to cultivate an aura of experience and wisdom expected of his high position.

Five years ago to the day, Diego ascended to the Trade Consortium chairmanship. At the time, his predecessor, Corbin Locke, became a threat to Diego's continued life of wealth and power. For years they had a mutual understanding, a career armistice of sorts, with each having enough information to bring the other down. However, Corbin caught a terminal case of altruism and threatened to expose Diego's tactics.

The fool.

Corbin and his new lover, who had influenced the turn of conscience, died in a carefully staged murder-suicide. So tragic it was, as reported by the media. Diego covertly secured the damning evidence Corbin held against himself. It was all a risky operation requiring finesse and secrecy, but it worked. Then, with only a bit of behind-the-scenes blackmail, the Board of Directors elected him as Chairman.

You only get what you take.

Under his leadership, the Trade Consortium was given authority to regulate all inter-world trade, thus becoming the most powerful organization in the Sol Commonwealth, perhaps even more so than the Parliament and the Sol Empress. With that came enhanced profitability for Consortium members. Through legislation crafted over the years, the Parliament had granted them this. Selected bribes, smear campaigns, threats, and an assassination had done the trick. He only had to apply the appropriate leverage. The mark of a good leader was knowing where and when to apply it.

His pretty young administrative assistant announced over the intercom. "Sir, Director Graaf is here to see you."

"Send her in."

Diego did not turn from the window when Gwen stepped in and the huge dark wooden door closed behind her. A whiff of a custom perfume caught his nose, an expensive blend containing synthetic pheromones.

He grinned. Does she really think a scent can sway my favor? She is not that attractive.

Gwen reminded Diego of himself when, long ago, he had become Director of External Affairs - enthusiastic, resolute, but green and reckless. With a bit of mentoring, she might become an effective asset to him.

He turned toward her. A tight fitting black pantsuit and folded arm pose projected a fierce determination. Her blonde hair was pulled tightly back in stylish braids, stretching firm her light face. Tall and willowy, she wasn't without some attractiveness, just not up to Diego's level of interest.

She said flatly, "You wanted to see me, Chairman?"

"Yes." Diego poured an expensive cognac into two glass snifters, offering one to her. "I think it good to reconnect periodically to make sure our actions are consistent with our goals." He swirled the amber-brown liquid in his glass and then took a sip. "You handled the Empress Pro Tempore's misplaced bout of ethics well. She needed to understand that a powerful Trade Consortium is a good thing for the Commonwealth. And for her, as well."

A small smile came to Gwen's face. "Now and then, Ali needs a subtle reminder that we could bring her down. Now that she is back in line, I think a brief statement from you praising her leadership might be in order."

Nodding, he said, "Indeed. I shall do so." Diego sat down in a cushioned red chair at a polished conference table, inviting her with a gesture to do the same. "I think it is time to expand the Consortium's influence further beyond the outer colonies into the Orion territories. I would like you to take the lead on that."

She lifted an eyebrow. "Past forays have been limited and unprofitable. Why now?"

"The number of colonies and population have increased along with the potential for trade. Marketing analysis shows an enormous potential for future profitability, if we act soon to secure it. This might become your legacy." Diego paused, allowing her to take in the offer.

She put a hand to her chin. "The Confederacy will resist. And Free Dawn is still active out there. It would not be easy."

"Our own trade enforcement group is stronger than ever. Time we put them to the test. The Confederacy is illegitimate, and should they try to stand in your way, paint them as rebels and leverage the Commonwealth forces to subdue them. Fortune favors the bold, Gwen. This is a great opportunity for you."

He did not put voice to the thoughts that followed. Besides that, should the venture fail, I would be insulated from blame. While you would be expendable.

Gwen smiled. "Very well, I accept."


Her smile faded as she picked up her snifter, twirling it by the stem and taking in the aroma of the fine liquor. "On another matter, if I may ask, sir, do you believe a true Empress heir exists? The genetic alert system is expensive and risky. If there was a new Empress at all, she would have died with that terrorist, Celeste Ciel."

She flinched as Diego barked, "The Commonwealth force was sloppy! They should have directly verified who else was on the Phoenix Star before blowing it out of the sky." He pointed a finger. "I dislike uncertainty, Director Graaf! Keep that in mind. The rise of a rogue Empress is the one thing that might ruin our plans. If you encounter her, I expect you to address the situation forcibly. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Gwen took another sip of cognac and stood. "Is there anything else, Chairman?"

"That will be all, Director. Keep me informed of your progress."

With a curt nod, the woman turned toward the door. Tilting his head, Diego took in the sway of hips as she walked away.

Returning to the window, Diego gazed again at the approaching storm front. Streaks of electric blue lit up the roiling clouds. This will be a grand storm indeed.

The Line of the Sol EmpressOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz