Chapter 40.4

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Peering at Eshe's viewer, Hope pointed at the building schematic. The fuzzy red blobs moved about on the top floor, representing thermal images of several people. "There's a stop at the floor below. We could get off there and then take the stairs."

"True," Eshe responded. "But it wouldn't take them long to see through that and move to the stairwell."

"Allow me, Empress." Cole stood up straight, as if at attention. "I will draw their fire in the elevator while you take the stairs."

"No!" Hope yelled, snapping her head around. The whites of Cole's eyes grew larger as he shrunk back in the elevator. Hope dipped her head and spoke in a gentle voice. "Forgive me, Cole. I appreciate the dedication, but I have no desire to put anyone in direct line of fire."

"There may be another way, Empress, to draw their fire without actually being there," Owen said, taking a step forward.

Hope lifted an eyebrow. "Go on, Owen..."

"A hologram, Empress." A grin rose on his face. "I used to make them in school to fool the teachers so I could go out partying with my mates." Hope grinned in return.

Eshe gazed at the elevator control panel and responded, "We haven't much time. Do it."

"It will take just a moment." Owen placed his hand-held viewer on the floor and pushed a screen icon. "Hold out your rifles as if you will fire them, then hold still for the scan." A grid of blue lines swept across them as they posed, then disappeared. "There."

Owen bent down to touch another icon, and a full-sized holographic of the group appeared in the middle of the elevator. Hope smiled as she passed her hand through the 3D image of herself. "This is awesome, Owen."

He shook his head. "My mates at the tavern will never believe this." His cheeks flushed as he drew his lips tight together. "Umm, sorry Empress."

"Well, Owen, if this works, I will come tell the story for you. And the first round is on me."

"Building AI," Eshe said, "Stop and open the doors for two seconds at the floor immediately below the top, no more, then continue on."

An electronic voice responded, "Will comply."

Eshe turned to the others. "They won't be fooled by the hologram for very long. When the elevator door opens, we need to move fast. The stairway door is five meters to the right. Owen, you and I will go first. Hope, you hold back with Cole." Hope opened her mouth to protest, but Eshe interrupted her with a pointed finger. "Don't argue with me, Hope."

Both Owen's and Cole's chins dropped at Eshe's command. She probably broke several protocols for interacting with the Empress.

"Get ready," Eshe ordered as the elevator neared the premature stop. "Rifles set to stun, safeties off. Owen, when we go in, we shoot anything that moves. Don't give them the option to return fire." He firmed his expression and nodded.

The elevator rumbled to a stop and frosted glass doors slid open with a hiss. "Go!" Eshe barked, holding her pulse rifle at ready. She and Owen sprinted out into the alcove, which was unoccupied and dimly lit. Cole and Hope followed, the closing doors nearly clipping her trailing foot.

As they raced up a dank and seldom used stairway, muffled popping sounds of pulse weapons firing came to Hope's ears. It's working. Then the sounds stopped. And by now they figured it out.

Eshe slammed her forearm against the door to the top floor, but it did not budge. "Damn! It's locked." She jerked up her hand-held viewer. "Building AI, unlock this door!"

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