Chapter 22

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Grief is the final fulfillment of love.

- Writings of the Sol Empress, Words of Faith


The grief came like storm waves, lashing the shores of his heart, one after another. Moon knew the feelings, first in youth after his parents went missing, and then with Celeste. Realizing Faith would die young, he had tried to ready himself for this, building protective walls of graceful acceptance around his heart. But nothing could prepare him for the death of a daughter. The walls fell quickly against the wave's unrelenting fury.

Part of him wanted to run far away, anywhere to escape the pain. But his other children would need him as much as he needed them. Hope and Gabriel embraced each other, his surviving daughter nearly collapsing with wrenching sobs. Tears streamed from Gabriel's eyes, cascading to the floor. It had been almost fifteen years since Moon had witnessed his son crying.

As gently as possible, Moon laid the lifeless body of his oldest daughter on the med bay table. He pulled a white blanket over her but stopped at her head. A single sob burst out, shaking him.

Bending down, he kissed her forehead, whispering, "Be at peace, my daughter. We love you. Always" After a moment and a deep breath, the blanket covered her completely.

Sai spoke through the overhead speaker. "Sir, I am not reading any life signs in Faith."

"She is gone, Sai." It felt like someone else spoke those words.

After an extended pause, Sai replied, "I see, sir."

Moon crushed his two remaining children to his chest, wrapping them in a tight hug, and tears fell like rain.

No words were spoken.

Finally, Moon lifted his head. "Sai, take us away from here."

"Destination, sir?"

"The other side of the sun. Thrusters only."

Sai said, "Sir, we are being hailed by the port authority."

"Ignore them." Moon replied.

"Yes, sir."

Moon sensed the low roar crescendo of the thrusters and a lifting sensation as the Firebird Rise took off, rising into the clouds. Then he felt a separate twinge of grief, that they may never see their home again.

For a day, they barely talked, since to speak of Faith's death was to acknowledge it. Mostly, Moon felt numb. But sometimes a wave of emotion would well up, breaking him down in a flood of salty tears.

Morose, Gabriel disappeared, choosing to grieve alone. Several times Moon stopped at his son's bedroom door, but then walked away. What could he say?

As Moon sat in the galley, his head bowed down and his hands surrounding a full mug of tea that had gone cold, he turned to find Hope trembling at the threshold, fresh tears in her eyes.

"Dad..." Her voice came out broken, like their hearts. "I'm sorry. I..." Gasping sobs thrust into her hands stole any further words and tangled dark hair shrouded her downturned face.

Moon rose and encased his daughter in his arms. She bawled, heaving raw cries that came from an open heart wound. He pressed her head into his shoulder and whispered, "It was never your fault, Hope. You did everything you could."

"There must have been something that--"

"No. You risked your life for your sister. You were beyond brave." Moon shuddered at the thought that he might have lost both daughters.

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