Killing Mr. Honey // Part One

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important author's note pls read at the end!!!

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important author's note pls read at the end!!!


Riverdale obviously contained a lot of darkness within its people, environment, and background. While I had attempted my best to keep myself separated from this darkness, it did a phenomenal job of weaving its way into everything it touched.

It was slowly becoming more bearable to walk the school hallways, especially with Cheryl's sharp eyes and resting bitch face following alongside me. Felicity had stepped into the redhead's sidekick role perfectly and it felt like I had two bodyguards at any given moment.

Even as we sat in the student lounge, I was in the middle of the couch between the two girls with my headphones on. Accepting the meeting invite with Interscope Records sent me headfirst into contracts, legal terms, and a mess of questions. It was all so exciting that I couldn't even bring myself to be bothered by the crazy schedule.

Since I was over 18, most things I could handle alone but a part of me ached to include my friends and family in the conversations I'd been a part of these past few days. Felicity had done a great job of support so far, and as much as I loved her, I really wished everyone else was in the same regards.

"Wait. So this acceptance is conditional?" Cheryl's voice suddenly infiltrated my headphones, causing me to look up and take the devices from my ears. .

Jughead had apparently entered the room at some point in my haze of thoughts and took a seat near Archie after sharing a high-five with him. "Yeah. They require additional materials, which means I need another story. But this could be my redemption after that whole Stonewall hell. The only problem is the well of my creative unconscious is tapped out."

"Well, you could write a monster story about Mr. Honey," Betty interrupted as she rounded the corner. She had a spiral bound-book in hand, the bright yellow cover reading that it was the final draft of the yearbook for this year. "He's refusing to publish the yearbook. Our legacy. The written record of our last four years. Our friendships, our loves, clubs, dances."

I grimaced at her explanation of the book's importance but let it slide as Veronica spoke up, "B, if it's about money, I'm happy to help pay for the printing."

"Thank you, V, but it's... the principle of it. Mr. Honey has been on our case since day one."

An image of the man standing in front of us in the hallway on the first day of school crossed my mind. A short laugh left my lips, "Yeah, kinda hard to forget that one."

"And how many people are already banned from going to prom?"

Kevin spoke up from his spot diagonal from me. "Fangs, Reggie, Toni, and I are all banned because of Ticklegate."

"And I'm out because of that bogus quiz show cheating scandal," Betty huffed, but it came off as a poor excuse.

Felicity groaned from my other side. "Count Vanna and I out for skipping a week to go to Queens. Apparently claiming it a break from reality was considered out of line."

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