Wicked Little Town // Part Three

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I made it very clear to Veronica that even though I was allowing her help, this didn't make up for everything that had happened. She was more than understanding, as she should be, and helped me weave the web of lies that would be necessary to walk through the doors of Riverdale High tomorrow.

As far as the Stonewall kids knew, I was in on the plan the entire time. The Riverdale kids would be much harder to convince that storyline of being truthful. A different approach would be required. My initial thoughts, completely ignore any questions and concerns.

"People are going to know the truth if you ignore it," Veronica sighed as she flipped through the contents of my closet.

"Am I supposed to care if they know the truth?"

She visibly winced at my question. If anything, the truth coming out would hurt Veronica, Archie, Betty, and Jughead more than anyone else. Not that I cared if that's what occurred, but I could tell she wasn't up for that.

"No. You aren't. My thoughts veer not necessarily to denial but rather... projecting."

"Projecting?" I repeated as I stared up at the ceiling from my bed. There was zero energy left in my body to go through these shenanigans with her and her mysterious hinting.

Veronica pulled a few items from the hangers before moving back into my bedroom space. "Yes, projecting. If someone asks you a question, push it to the four of us to answer. Make your problem our problem. I'm sure we'll be asked a million questions for a while anyway."

While I loved the idea of pushing things onto others' plates, I knew I'd have to explain the details to those who deserved them. That's the least I could do after all of this anyway.


Cheryl Blossom was my ultimate blessing in disguise as she looped her arm with mine to walk through the front doors of Riverdale High. Despite how I would like to be, I was in full glam with hair, makeup, and heeled boots to prove that I was not to be messed with today. I'm sure Cheryl's sharp glare only reinforced that further as the whispers started.

There were so many other things that deserved my attention other than silly rumors and fucked up situations of the recent past.

"My God, do these pitiful humans have anything better to do than gossip and stare?" Cheryl huffed as we arrived at my locker. She was easily irritated, as was I, so I understood her frustration and dislike.

I gave out a huffed laugh and spun my combination in. "Hardly, Cheryl. You know how they are. The simplest rumor can run wild in the halls here."


I choked on my breath at the sound of a too-familiar voice coming from down the hallway. Cheryl's glare sharpened and she moved to my left side to intercept before I could even turn.

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