Tangerine // Part One

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Pop's breakfast was unbeatable in my eyes

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Pop's breakfast was unbeatable in my eyes. Felicity seemed to agree, which was the reason the two of us found ourselves here before school more often than not. However, breakfast wasn't limited to any part of the day, hence the reason it was 5:30 PM and we were sitting down to eat some dinner. My personal favorite was the french toast while Felicity went with an omelet, but both of us agreed the pancakes took the top spot.

"So, hear me out," Felicity began as she took a sip of her water. "There's a weekend coming up here soon where Peter's free from his internship and May's out of town. What do you say the two of us head to good ole' NYC for a little getaway trip? Just the two of us. It'll be fun!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sounds good to me. I'm not sure when, though, because admissions are still rolling out and I really don't want to be drunk wandering the streets when the dean calls me to say congrats."

"Fair point," She agreed as she pointed her fork towards me. "Still, the offer is always up for grabs."

"We'll do it for sure sometime soon, I promise."

I glanced up as I saw my sister walk into the diner. She paused to speak with Pop before disappearing into the speakeasy. Felicity and I finished up dinner before heading in separate directions for the night, myself slipping down the stairs of the speakeasy to find my sister.

"Ronnie?" I called as I walked into the empty area. "Where are you?"

"Here," My sister responded as she stepped out from the back room. "You aren't going to believe what Daddy just pulled."

I scoffed and sat down at one of the barstools. "Try me."

"He revoked La Bonne Nuit's liquor license. As of Sunday, we won't be able to sell any more alcohol."

I frowned at the setback. "So what are you going to do?" I asked, knowing that one reason the speakeasy did so well was the alcohol sales, including the underage ones as well.

She smirked as she leaned against the counter next to me. "Pop gave me a small suggestion. I'm bringing in the big guns. Abuelita Lodge (Grandma Lodge) will be meeting me here tomorrow night. You're welcome to join, of course, and I'm sure she would love to see you."

"Abuelita's coming? Sign me up!" I cheered. Hiram's mom was my favorite member of our extended family. Considering Mom's side practically disowned me, Grandma Lodge was the only one to scoop me into her arms with so much love that I couldn't believe it. She was Veronica's Godmother, something the two of them connected over immensely, but Abuelita never once made me feel unwelcomed or out of place. It was ironic how her child treated me so poorly for time... which I'm sure she would love to hear about.


The next night, I was practically bouncing on my toes waiting for Veronica to return with Abuelita that I probably looked crazy. The two of us had agreed to keep the conversation civil, but also update the elder woman on what exactly had been plaguing our family recently. Veronica insisted on requesting the rum background, which I was unsure about, but who was I to stop her in her endeavors?

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