Hereditary // Part Two

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The rest of the day followed through uneventfully before I found myself with Veronica and Mom at La Bonne Nuit

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The rest of the day followed through uneventfully before I found myself with Veronica and Mom at La Bonne Nuit. With minimal training, alongside her previous small job at Pop's, Mom was ready to be a hostess at the speakeasy. Of course, Veronica had a few things to run past her, which is why we were here early prior to opening.

"So, hostess details to track. Who's coming and where to seat them. Ms. Danbers near Bob Potter, always. Where not to seat them, booth 11 is the worst. Enemies only."

Mom held up a hand. "Okay, hold... hold on. I'm gonna need a pen."

I shook my head. "Mom, don't worry. We're going to be here the whole time. Plus, Ronnie's being a little dramatic. I promise you're going to do fine."

The night started off smoothly, with Reggie and myself creating drink after drink with thankfully no issues. Veronica was doing her best to keep Mom unstressed with her first night, and for the most part, it was going well.

"So, what's this I hear about you training for the FBI?" Reggie asked as he wiped out the wine glass in his hand.

I shook my head. "Not necessarily to join the FBI, but I want to study criminal justice, so it's for the application bonus points. It's interesting, in all honesty. Especially when you live in Riverdale."

"Fair point," Reggie agreed, "Got any college choices?"

"A few," I hummed, "I mean, I would love to ship myself off to Hawaii and never come back home, but let's be real, you'd miss me too much, Reggie."

He laughed and swatted the wet towel at my leg causing me to dodge it with a laugh. "You've got that right, Marrows. Who else would entertain me in this shitty town?"

I smiled and pushed a completed drink across the bar to the waiting customer before turning to see Reggie with an unpleasant glare. "What?" I frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Veronica," He called out as he didn't shift his gaze. I turned to face where my sibling last stood to see Hiram and Hermosa climbing down the stairs.

I could hear Mom mutter a small curse before Veronica addressed the duo. "Daddy. Hermosa. You're not on the reservation list."

Dad frowned. "Well, I couldn't miss your mother's re-entry into the workforce, could I?"

"At the clubs I run in Miami, I always keep a table reserved for special guests," Hermosa inserted snidely.

"Same," Veronica responded in fake excitement. "Mark them down for booth 11."

Reggie and I shared a knowing smile before resuming our jobs behind the counter as my sister stepped away to escort the duo to their spots for the night.


Once my shift ended, I left La Bonne Nuit in somewhat of a good mood. Mocha was joyful to see me the moment I stepped into the apartment. After greeting my dog and taking him outside, I took a steamy shower before curling into bed for the night. I was in the process of doing a lovely Marvel Cinematic Universe rewatch and was about halfway through Thor when my phone rang.

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