Witness for the Prosecution // Part Three

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The remainder of our short time together went by peacefully and uneventful, minus a confused group chat thanks to Betty Cooper

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The remainder of our short time together went by peacefully and uneventful, minus a confused group chat thanks to Betty Cooper. Said girl began with stating that she lied about not having the serial killer genes, something I passed on to Jughead because dear god, he lives in the same house as her, as well as that she and Kevin were pulling out of the FBI training. We tried to convince her otherwise but were left unresponded to until hours later when she revealed Charles also has the serial killer genes, which Betty wants to keep a close eye on.

All of this information was hard to wrap my mind around on top of everything else that had been going on. I left the apartment with Jughead still in bed, Mocha sleeping by his side, to catch up with Veronica who was busy at La Bonne Nuit.

My sister was on the phone when I arrived so I took a seat in front of her and waited for her to finish up. "Oh, that's amazing news. Thank you so much, Governor, I really appreciate it. No, that's fine. I'll pick her up myself. Bye, now." She pressed the phone back into the receiver before turning to address me.

"Sounds like you just got some good news," A lady a couple of seats down spoke up as she faced us.

Veronica smiled. "Yes, I did. My mother's been away for a while and she's finally coming home."

"Same as your father."

Veronica and I shared an odd glance before my sister spoke up again, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The girl shook her head. "No. You do not. But I'll tell you the same thing I told the federal prosecutor. That I'm a licensed private investigator, that I was hired by Hiram Lodge to uncover any malfeasance against him, and that I can unequivocally prove that the federal prosecutor colluded with you to frame and bring false charges against Hiram."

"That's not true," Veronica fought to recover herself but it was futile.

"Yes, it is," The dark-haired woman snapped back, "I have many recordings of you two, and even your sister, plotting. Including a conversation you had, at that booth over there, discussing Pop Tate's subpoena."

"You had my place bugged?" Veronica hissed.

The woman nodded. "Yes, I did. So, here's what happens next. The federal prosecutor has already told the judge that she's dropping the charges against Hiram, thanks to... information I provided."

"Look," Veronica huffed as she leaned across the bar to whisper, "Whatever Hiram's paying you, I'll double it."

"Nice try, but that won't work with me. You see, our father needed help, someone he could trust. So he had me come up from Miami. I fix things. That's what I do."

I shook my head and set my hand on the bar. "I'm sorry, 'our father'? I don't exactly understand."

The woman laughed and turned on her seat slightly to face me. "Oh, yes. I'm Hiram's other, actual daughter. Hermosa. He needed me, so I came."

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