The Ice Storm // Part Two

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Hauling Bret's unconscious ass back to the dorm was a fun challenge, but I got my revenge when he woke up and I started placing stitches in his neck

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Hauling Bret's unconscious ass back to the dorm was a fun challenge, but I got my revenge when he woke up and I started placing stitches in his neck. He bit a belt between his teeth to keep from crying out as I worked the needle through his skin.

"That should do it," I said as I finished the last one. "Three stitches. Not too bad."

"Yeah, it's easy for you to say," He choked out as he grabbed my bedazzled flask (a gift from Veronica) from Jug's desk to chug the alcohol inside.

I chuckled and patted his shoulder sarcastically, "Oh, buddy. Don't even get me started. Maybe next time don't threaten my boyfriend with an ax."

He stood up in an angry rush and grabbed his coat from the back of the chair. I watched silently as a piece of paper fluttered out and hit the ground before Jughead bent down to grab it.

"It saddens me greatly to realize that these will be the last words I ever write," He read from the note before Bret ripped it from his hands.

"Hands off, Forsythe."

"What was that?" Jughead continued, "Was that a suicide note? Mr. Chippings?"

Bret raised his hands in fake innocence. "It was an exercise we did. We each wrote a note to see who could best capture the inner workings of Chipping's troubled mind."

"Are you kidding me?" I objected. "That's not something you do as an 'exercise', you dumbass. That's cruel."

"If it was an official exercise, then why wasn't I included?" Jughead countered as we watched the duo in front of us closely.

Bret smirked. "Maybe because you have an unstable girlfriend who could write one for you. Or it was outside the curriculum. Relax."

I bit my lip harshly to keep from screaming at this piece of trash in front of me and instead, watched as Donna pulled the blonde asshole from the room. The second they were gone, I jumped forward to slam the door shut, making sure to lock it as well.

"I'm going to act like he didn't just say that to me," I said through gritted teeth. "What the hell are they doing here? You said it was just us!"

He shook his head in uncertainty. "I don't know. But I certainly don't believe any of that BS about a writing exercise, and I especially didn't listen to a word he said about you. He's trying to get under our skin."

I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands, definitely wishing we would've just spent Thanksgiving break at the apartment. "It's possible that it's incriminating evidence that they want to get rid of, or possibly fake evidence that they're trying to plant?"

"Okay... how are we gonna play this game?" He asked.

"You just said it," I replied. "Your buddies like playing games. Let's give them a taste of their own medicine." I grabbed the previously discarded flask to wave it in front of his face before allowing him to take it from my hands.

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