The Ides of March // Part Two

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tw // underage drinking, mentions of drugs & death

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tw // underage drinking, mentions of drugs & death


The tension was suffocating as I sat next to FP while Jughead faced the disciplinary committee at Stonewall. Donna, Joan, and Bret were all present, which I thought was weird personally, but I just let it go. Jughead stood in the center of the room in front of the four board members as he waited to defend his writing.

"Make no mistake, the stealing of another student's work will not be tolerated at Stonewall Prep. If the accusation is found to be true, the penalty is immediate expulsion. But, we're going to give you a choice today, one that you do not deserve. Nevertheless, you can either gracefully, quietly, withdraw from Stonewall Prep, which will save yourself and us the embarrassment of a hearing, or you can stay and fight the accusation of plagiarism in a public forum, where you could win, but most likely, you'll lose. Tarnishing Stonewall's name and destroying your future."

"I'll leave."

The two words were almost silent, and I could tell FP was full of anger beside me at the decision. As happy as I wanted to be that Jughead was finally getting out of here, I was upset that he would not only lose his book contract, but also his chance at getting into Yale if the cards were stacked the way I figured they were. He never said anything about giving up.

I glanced over to see Bret fighting back a smile which made me want to rip it off his face. The tribunal had ended and Jughead was the first to bolt out of the room leaving FP and me to scramble after him.

"What the hell happened in there, huh?" FP started the lecture the second we stepped out of the doors. "I thought you were gonna bring down the temple, and instead you let them run roughshod all over you!"

"What choice did I have?" Jughead shot back as he stopped walked to face his dad.

"It's not like you to walk away from a fight, a fight you could've won!" FP argued.

Jughead shook his head. "You don't know that. You don't know these people. This game is fixed, it's been fixed since the beginning. There's no way I was winning that today."

I watched FP glare at him before he walked away in silence. I didn't say anything as I followed Jughead back to his dorm where he began shoving things in boxes angrily. I sighed and sat down at his desk chair as I watched him pack.

"It was the sex tape, wasn't it?" I asked the question that had been on my mind since he gave up. There's no other obvious reason that would have Jughead stopping cold at something like this. "Bret threatened to release it if you didn't back off."

"What does it matter, Savanna?" He snipped as he slammed a book into the cardboard box and continued to grab things from various places. "To hell with Bret, to hell with this entire school."

"Couldn't have been all that bad, Forsythe," Bret commented as he and Donna stopped in the frame of the door. They were both smirking, looking absolutely thrilled with the situation.

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