Fast Times at Riverdale High // Part Three

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My mind always seemed to wander in the middle of book discussions, probably one of the many reasons I would've hated joining Jughead at Stonewall for the salon sit in

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My mind always seemed to wander in the middle of book discussions, probably one of the many reasons I would've hated joining Jughead at Stonewall for the salon sit in. As Miss Haggly began class, I already knew I was going to zone out.

"Okay, everyone. I trust you all completed your summer reading?"

I looked over at Jughead who was already looking at me, a teasing expression on his face because he knew damn well that I didn't even bother looking past the cover. I shoved his shoulder lightly before turning back to somewhat listen.

"Who wants to read the first section out loud for us? Anyone?" When nobody responded, she sighed, "Alrighty then. I'll start, you follow along."

As she began her pointless reading, I glanced over at Jughead to see him looking down at his book, his entire mood off. I groaned before leaning over and taking his arm. "I can't take this." He looked up at me. "Come with me, right now."

Both of us got to our feet and slipped out, Miss Haggly not even bothering to spare us a glance as she probably figured we had already done the work for this. Stepping into the hallway, I walked around the corner before coming to a stop.

"Okay, what's going on?" Jughead asked once he caught up.

Despite the alarm going off in my head, I set my hands on his shoulder. "You should go to Stonewall, bub. I... I hate saying that but it's the chance of a lifetime and you should take it. Okay?"

"Sav, are you-"

I couldn't help the tears threatening to form in my eyes. "Honest, Jug. But you should go before I change my mind and have a breakdown in the hallway."

"But what about-"

I shook my head as my hands fell to my side. "Don't worry about us. We'll make it work. We've been through way worse. J-Just go pack your stuff and I'll handle everything here, okay?"

Jughead placed his hands on my cheeks before kissing me softly. When it looked like he was hesitating, I waved him off. "Go, run." Despite the part of him that I knew wanted to remain within at least a mile radius of me at all moments, Jughead turned and took off down the empty hallway and out of Riverdale High School.


"Whoa, what's got you in a mood?" Veronica was quick to notice the tense atmosphere as she caught up with me after our final bell. Jughead's books from class were packed in my backpack, a heavy reminder of what had happened.

"I uh, I told Jughead to go to Stonewall," I muttered as I followed her over to where our cars were parked. "He left after lunch."

"Vanna, what?" She grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop, taking in my terrified expression. "Why?"

I shrugged. "He has a major opportunity, Ronnie. I didn't want to hold him back from that." I kept walking towards my car, tugging my backpack straps as I moved.

"I... I get that, I do, but Van, do you realize how difficult distant relationships can be?"

"Yes, Veronica!" I barked as I grabbed the door handle of the backseat. "Thank you for the reminder that my boyfriend won't be here when I want him to be! I really appreciate it, but I'm not holding him back from something that will completely change his life!" I tossed my backpack in aggressively before yanking open the driver's door.

My sister grabbed the door, stopping me from pulling it shut. "That's not what I mean, Van. I mean, yes, Jughead won't be down the street anymore, but do you think you're ready to depend on someone who can't physically be there to help you?"

I knew what she meant, I really did. It didn't make it any easier though, and no, I didn't think I was ready to be so emotionally invested in someone who wasn't within reach. It would be hard on both of us, but this could open so many opportunities for Jughead that I didn't want to be the reason he was held back.

"I'm not breaking up with him, if that's what you're insinuating," I mumbled as I started the car. "I'll figure it out, Ron. I always do."

The apartment was oddly empty when I walked in, despite Mocha's chaotic energy as he slid across the hardwood floors to collide with my legs in excitement. Veronica was busy tonight with La Bonne Nuit, as usual, and with Jughead prepping for his departure, I settled down on the couch with the intent of sleeping until I couldn't sleep anymore.

"Oh, turn that frown upside down, lover," Felicity walked through my front door with no warning, making me jump in my spot.

I placed a hand on my chest. "Geez, Fel, way to knock." Mocha busied himself by saying hello to my neighbor before the two of them plopped on my couch next to me.

"So, what's got you all upset?" She asked, "You seemed gloomy in the hallways but I didn't want to disturb."

"I told Jughead to go to Stonewall Prep," I explained as I paused the show on the screen. I told myself I was going to handle this well, but clearly, it was still fresh. "I don't know. I already miss him, which seems stupid, but this is so real for us. It's like college came early and I didn't have time to make that barrier that I need."

Felicity hummed as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder as she pulled me to lean against her. "You, Savanna Marrows, are the strongest person I've ever met, you know that? You and Jughead together are a literal endgame. There's no denying that. Him being a little out of reach isn't going to change that, okay? It's another rock on the journey of your life that you gotta climb over, but you're going to do it, and you're going to do it with a smile on your face because that's who you are."

"You really think we can do it?" I whispered, fingers playing with the bracelet he had gotten me for Christmas.

"I know you can. Nothing can come between you and that boy that would pull you apart. Ever."


Spring Break





My throat was raw from all the screaming that we had been doing. The rain splashed around us, soaking my hair straight through, but I couldn't bring myself to care. My hands were freezing. Felicity held the umbrella above the two of us as we continued through the woods, flashlights moving rapidly as we continued to search, and search, and search.


any scenes you guys wanna see in this book? hit me with suggestions!

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