Killing Mr. Honey // Part Three

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Life continued to be a whirlwind in the week leading up to prom

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Life continued to be a whirlwind in the week leading up to prom. The majority of my apartment had been packed up and shipped out or dropped off for donations. Interscope had taken care of my relocation and landed Felicity and me a beautiful apartment near campus. The drive to LA would be rough when necessary but I didn't doubt that plans would work out.

"Whoa," Veronica's voice almost echoed in the relatively bare apartment. "You weren't kidding when you said you were packing."

I emerged from the hallway to my bedroom and shrugged. "The rest of my stuff got shipped out this morning. Mom's taking care of the furniture as soon as we head out after graduation." I took a second to look around at the remaining pieces and let out a deep breath. "I hate seeing things like this."

Veronica gave me a pity-filled look. "You can always change your mind."

I shook my head in disagreement. "There's no going back. It's just bittersweet."

The two of us plopped on the couch and sat in silence for a moment. Reminiscing had occupied my days for a while now, and I hated that I kept thinking about the past, but the memories here would last with me. I kept seeing Jughead and I eating sundaes in the kitchen at 2 AM, or Veronica and Betty having sleepovers. Wine nights with Felicity, Reggie crashing on the couch when he got tired of trying to take care of us. Cheryl and Toni staying in the guest bedroom when everything went to shit.

My life would forever be surrounded by the relationships I had made here and I didn't know whether I hated or loved that.

"Are you okay?"

The question brought me back to the present as I turned to look at my sister. She had teary eyes of her own, both of us thinking the same things. I bit my lip and looked away before nodding. "It's just a lot. As much as I hate this town, there are just some moments I don't want to lose, even if they hurt to think about."

Nobody ever talks about how much friendship breakups hurt. How you never get the closure you crave, the random moments where you think they'd love to see something, the habit of typing their name in your phone to call or text about something. You just watch their life go by on social media, or hear about it from people who still know them. You grieve someone still alive because you no longer know them.

They show up in your dreams and in the food you eat, or the songs you hear. They suddenly become faces in pictures or sore subjects to discuss because the pain is faded but still, a scabbed cut that never really turns into a scar.

I wasn't a stranger to broken friendships. Despite how new things were, I found myself going through this process all over again with my friends now. Wanting to talk things out with Jughead, asking Archie about his songs and music process, getting Betty's opinion on apartments and prom dresses.

"I know you don't want to, but it might be worth it to talk to them."

I scoffed at her words. "Archie? Maybe. Betty? Never again."

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