How to Get Away with Murder // Part Two

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tw //  talks of suicide, abusive parents, death

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tw //  talks of suicide, abusive parents, death

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After dropping Reggie off, I made a decision I knew I would probably regret. It took more snooping around than I planned but as I pulled up to the trailer park, my stomach erupted into nervous butterflies. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but there was nobody around to stop me from doing it or try to talk me out of it, but I felt like it was something I had to confront.

I made sure to lock my car multiple times before stepping through the dead grass towards the only trailer that rested in the lot. Thankfully, I didn't have to go through the awkward knock as the person I was looking for walked out of the door as soon as I made it into view.

"Well, I thought I'd never see the day. What the hell are you doing here, not that I'm mad."

I sighed and plopped into one of the raggy plastic chairs that surrounded the makeshift fire pit. "Give me a break, for once in your damn life." I messed around with the charms on my bracelet before looking up at him. "Can we talk?"

"Can we talk?" Paul Marrows laughed as he stepped off the stairs of his trailer and sat across from me. "Why the change of heart? I thought you hated me?"

"I do," I answered honestly. "But I think you owe me some answers. It's the least you could do."

He sighed and leaned forward to rest his forearms against his thighs. "Ask away, then, sweetheart."

"First off, no sweetheart," I started. No need to make this tense conversation even worse. "Second, why? Why me, why Anthony? Why us?"

"That's a loaded question," Paul admitted as he pulled a piece of grass from the ground to play with as we talked. "I wasn't fit to be a parent, Savanna. Never was. I told your mom that as soon as I found out she was pregnant but she didn't want to hear it. She learned quickly that I wasn't putting effort in and she was doing it on her own, which I guess is the reason she decided to leave you both in my hands."

I looked away from him as I teared up thinking about Mom. I had always wondered what my life would be like if she was still here, if Anthony was still here. Would we have been a family? Would my parents be together? Would we even be in Riverdale?

"Her death was a tipping point. I knew I couldn't be a father to you, to either of you. I was so frustrated at myself that I took my aggression out on the two of you thinking it would make me feel better and it didn't, in case you were curious. I knew someone else would take care of you better, someone like Hiram Lodge. Growing up, he was always the best at everything, so who's to say he wasn't already the best parent there was."

I picked at my jeans as I listened to him talk. It was weird to be sitting here without the fear of being yelled at or worse. I never thought I would witness a day where this happened, but in a way, I'm glad it did.

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