Quiz Show // Part Two

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Sleep didn't come easily as I sprawled across the couch

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Sleep didn't come easily as I sprawled across the couch. I was too nervous to sleep in my own room in case something happened that I couldn't hear. Mocha was tucked between my legs on top of the blanket, his nose buried under his paws as we listened to the quiet noise of the TV.

I let out a frustrated sigh and rolled onto my side in an attempt to try and distract myself from the lingering thoughts of my dad walking through the door at any second. I had already put in a request for my locks to be changed in case my dad had found a way to get a key and after a... stern email to the management office here, anyone who wasn't on my visitor's list with a valid ID wasn't permitted without an exception.

Felicity offered to stay over, but that was one more person not getting enough sleep and I didn't want to be the cause of that. I was frustrated and exhausted over this day and I wanted nothing more than for it to just be over.

The sound of the doorknob jiggling sent my heart racing as I leaned up against the couch cushions as Mocha started to growl by my feet. I watched anxiously as the door slowly opened to reveal a dark silhouette in the doorway.


Jughead's voice had me flopping against the couch with a relieved groan. Mocha jumped up excitedly and accepted the awaiting pets my boyfriend was sure to give. I tried to focus back on the show on the screen but I was hardly listening.

"You didn't have to come," I mumbled as Jughead walked around the couch to sit.

"Yes I did," He replied as he kicked off his shoes and wiggled his way to lay behind me on the large sectional, "Especially with Reggie's text. Are you okay?"

I sniffled as I buried my face deeper into the pillow as Jughead placed his cheek against mine. "This is twice that he's come into a space that I felt safe in and now, I don't anymore. I was fine. I was happily content and now I'm back into that world of paranoia and fear of when I'll see him next."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," He murmured against my skin, "I love you. I really hate it when we fight."

"You deserve Yale, Jug," I whispered, "You deserve it more than anybody in this town, and I'm so happy for you. It's just hard to untangle that from my mom... and being so close to Riverdale."

Jughead kissed my temple softly, his hand grabbing mine for reassurance. "It's not fair, I know. I wish your mom could be here to watch you go to Yale like she always dreamed you would, and I wish Riverdale didn't have so many haunting memories and toxicity for you to worry about. But, you're my kick-ass girl, and you have to promise me that you're not going to let this stop you, okay? You and me, we're gonna be fine, no matter what."

"To the end of the line?"

"Alright, Cap, pack it up."


"Alright, we're live in five!"

The atmosphere of the room was intense and buzzing but I tried to keep my mind focused as Veronica ran through some last-minute flashcards. Jughead, Charles, Mrs. Cooper, and Felicity stood off-screen alongside Mr. Honey as they all watched eagerly for the show to begin.

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