Chapter 9: It Snowed!

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A/N: Hi guys, sorry it's been a while, been working on my thesis show, another animatic, and a v low quality speedpaint so i've been pretty preoccupied. 

Tho, i got a wacom cintiq and that shit is life changing it's literally my new love (rip my wacom bamboo create i got in like 2011-12 u served me well)

Anyways, thank you MARVELousSmolPidgeot for the idea, I will be incorporating many of the ideas you all had so don't worry, I'll get to yours!!!!



Once Todoroki and Midoriya got back to the classroom and at Todoroki's desk, the little green haired boy resumed his place in the two-tone's lap for the rest of the day

The final bell rang and people started jumping out of their seats and filing out the door. 

Kiri grinned and held up the notebook Bakugou leant him, "'Ook! 'Ook!!!" Is us!!" He said excitedly, pointing to the two crudely drawn figures, one with downward facing black spikes and the other with bright yellow scribbles as hair. The depiction of Bakugou also had very big and very angry eyebrows while Kiri's depiction had a big smile with one spikey tooth sticking out. 

"My hair is not that messy." Bakugou critiqued. Kiri narrowed his eyes, looking at the page then back up at Bakugou.

"Yes it is." He defended. He thinks he captured his blonde friend's essence rather perfectly. 

"Is not." Bakugou stated as he set Kiri on the ground so he could stand and grab the little guy's coat. The weather called for snow today and so Bakugou made sure to pack a little coat for Kirishima. Plus, it was already chilly this morning and Bakugou doesn't want Kiri getting a cold. 

Not because Bakugou couldn't bear the sight of his boyfriend as a toddler all sniffly and pitiful 'cause it would break his heart. 

Because it'd be really fucking annoying.


"Is!" Kiri yelled, jumping to help make his point as Bakugou attempted to get his little arms in the coat's arm holes. Tubes. Whatever you call those. (author here, and yes, I did momentarily forget about the word "sleeves," damn my brain really is fried lol).

Midoriya, already bundled up in his jacket and Todoroki's scarf, toddled over, "Wha' we yellin' 'bout??" He wondered.

"Kat says I d'ew 'is hair w'ong!" Kirishima explained, showing Midoriya the drawing. Midoriya stared for a moment, hand on chin, glancing back and forth between it and the live subject. 

"I fink is da same." He finally decided with a nod, getting a victorious shit-eating grin from Kiri. 

"You don't know shit, Deku." Bakugou scoffed, slinging his backpack onto one shoulder. 

"I don't think it's appropriate to talk about feces around the children." Todoroki pointed out as Midoriya skipped back over and grabbed his hand. 

Bakugou narrowed his eyes at the half-n-half bitch, "Shut up half-n-half bitch." 

Kiri closed the notebook and tucked it under his arm, "Ya know, Kat, you cud be nicer." He pointed out before turning to follow Todoroki and Midoriya as they left.

Bakugou stood there completely dumbfounded. What the fuck did he do to deserve getting completely roasted by two toddlers and some cluelessly snarky bastard? 

A muffled snicker caught his attention and his head snapped to the front of the classroom.

Aizawa sat attempting to hide his smirk under his scarf as he pretended to clear his throat and ruffle through papers. 

Bakugou just huffed and stomped away, easily catching up to his classmates.

"OH MY GOD!" Came an excited high pitched squeal. Bakugou cringed and adjusted his hearing aids. Goddamn extras. 

The culprit, Mina, shoved her face back into the cold window, "I can't believe how much it snowed!" She breathed, fogging up the glass. Denki, who was standing beside her with his face also smashed in the window, nodded.

Midoriya and Kiri immediately darted to join them.

"We shud hab a s'owbaw fight!!!" Kiri suggested, starting to bounce with excitement. 

"An-an-an buil s'owmen!!!" Midoriya said, stuttering from his anticipation. He pulled his face from the window and ran over to Todoroki, grabbing his hand and jumping up and down, "Buil a s'oman wif me!! P'eeeeaaaaase!!!" He pleaded. 

Todoroki cracked a little smile, "Okay," He agreed, "But you probably need some gloves and maybe a hat beforehand." He suggested. 

"Kay! Let's hurry den!!!" Midoriya said, darting down the hallway and nearly making Todoroki faceplant into the floor from the sudden pull.

Todoroki broke into a jog and scooped Midroiya up in his arms, getting a happy giggle from the toddler as they made their way back to the dorms. 

Mina lifted Kiri up and set him on her shoulders, where he giggled and gently grabbed hold of her horns as if they were handlebars. 

Bakugou was still stomping down the hallway ignoring the excitement about snow when Sero caught him with some tape, "We challenge you to a snowball fight." He said, Mina and Denki standing defiantly beside him.

Bakugou rose an eyebrow, "Like you losers could even dream of beating me." He said, ripping off Sero's tape. 

"A thousand yen." Denki offered. 

"Five." Bakugou countered. 

"Two." Mina bartered. Kiri giggled. He knows that number!!!

"Twenty five hundred and we got a deal." Bakugou stated, offering a hand. 

"Deal." Sero, Denki, and Mina all said, each giving Bakugou's hand a smack to seal the deal. 

Bakugou threw his head back and laughed, "You stooges are screwed!" He declared before continuing his way down the hallway. 

The three "stooges" huddled together, all with conniving grins. They even wringed their hands to add to their villainous plans.

"Little does he know about our secret weapon." Mina snickered as Denki and Sero turned their attention up to the toddler innocently playing with Mina's soft hair. 

"Huh?" He wondered, confused why they were staring at him.

This is going to be a battle for the ages.


A/N: Sorry this was short, I figured anything was better than nothing and also this just leaves it on a nice little cliffhanger before the action! 

Hopefully I'll be back soon to update, hope you all are doing well and staying safe!

(especially with asshole orange man out of office woohoo!!!)

Anyways, love ya guys :)

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