Chapter 18: Final Party Preparations

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating! Been busy with work and also trying to make more stuff for my youtube channel :)

Thanks for hanging in here with me guys 

(also ignore the fact that the timeline of days is probably fucked up cause I'm bad at keeping track of continuity in fics lmao)

ALSO I got a kitten, she's a little black cat and her name is Vanta :)

Enjoy :)


"For the last fucking time, NO the cake is not ready yet." Bakugou stated through grit teeth. They were barely fifteen minutes into the movie and these goddamn kids have asked that godforesaken question 'is it done yet' over a dozen times. 

Good thing Bakugou's getting better at managing his outbursts because these two would've been blasted to kingdom come by now. 

Kiri pouted at his question yet again getting the same answer. 

"I wan' cake doe." He mumbled, crossing his arms. 

Bakugou was about to grumble again about being fucking patient when Todoroki spoke up.

"Well, don't you want the cake to be the best it can be?" The two-toned boy asked, placing a hand on his chin. Kiri nodded and Midoriya turned his head from the TV to listen, "If we make it come out before it's ready, it'll be no good." Again, the toddlers nodded, "So be patient with the cake, okay?" He finished, getting sad nods. Rephrasing stuff by anthropomorphizing it helps kids understand stuff better. At least, Todoroki thinks so. 

Bakugou just stared, kinda confused where this wise old man advice was coming from. Maybe Todoroki's just having an exceptionally good day today. Or maybe that shit came out of nowhere and was pure luck.

Like how a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Who's to tell.

But whatever Todoroki said seemed to satisfy the kids long enough for the timer to finally go off. The sudden noise caused them both to jump but before they could start crying over being scared (ya know, like kids do), they erupted into excited screams.

This caused Bakugou to cringe and quickly cover his ears with his hands. Jesus christ made his fucking hearing aids whistle. 

"SHHHH!" He told them through grit teeth. Midoriya quickly gasped and covered his mouth while Kiri continued cheering. 

"Kiwi! Hurtin' Kacchan's ears!!!" Midoriya told him, holding a finger up to his lips. Kirishima blinked a few times before also gasping and covering his mouth. 

"Sorry, Kat!" He whispered. 

Bakugou just rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch, leading the parade into the kitchen. 

He got out his big oven mitts and pulled the cake from the oven, getting more, albeit hushed, cheers from the peanut gallery. 

As he was putting the mitts away, he felt a tug at his sleeve, "We gon' deck a rate?" Kiri wondered. 

"Decorate?" Bakugou corrected, raising an eyebrow. 

"Uh huh!" 

"Well, yeah, that's what we made the frosting for." Bakugou stated as he stepped over to the fridge and pulled out the bowl of frosting. 

"Do we got sp'inkles??" Midoriya wondered.

"Of course we have mother fucking goddamn sprinkles, what do you take me for? Some sort of homophobe?" Bakugou responded, pulling out a little glass bottle filled to the brim with rainbow sprinkles. 

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