Chapter 14: We Demand Cuddles

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A/N: Well my thesis show ended and I graduate college in a week. Wow. 

Thanks guys for being patient with me! It's always nice looking forward to notifications of people favoriting and commenting on my silly lil fanfics 

Wish me luck on finding a job or internship lmao

:) Enjoy!


Bakugou shoved all the dirty laundry into the washer and set a timer on his phone before heading back upstairs to his dorm.

He didn't expect to walk in to both toddlers crying and Todoroki looking completely helpless. 

"What the fuck, Icy-Hot?" Bakugou grumbled, though half his question was answered by Kiri perked up and scrambling over as fast as he could to Bakugou, clinging pitifully to his pant leg. 

With a sigh, the blonde bent over and picked the little guy up, adjusting him on his hip. Kirishima just sniffled and clutched Bruce tight with one arm and with the other clung as tight as he could to Bakugou's tank top.

Todoroki looked over at Bakugou with an exacerbated expression, "Midoriya says he doesn't need this." He said, holding up the pull-up.

Bakugou set Kiri on the bed and stomped over, snatching it from Todoroki's hand.

"Izuku." He said sternly, glaring down at the kid currently throwing a temper tantrum.

Midoriya tensed upon hearing his first name, looking up at Bakugou as fat tears continued to roll down his cheeks. 

Bakugou somehow easily swooped in and slipped the undergarment onto the kid.

"Now, have you taken your medicine?" He asked, voice still retaining that sharp, stern tone. 

Midoriya sniffled and wiped his nose with his fist before shaking his head. 

"And are you going to throw another tantrum about it?" The blonde continued, narrowing his eyes. 

"N-no." Midoriya coughed, tugging at the end of the oversized shirt he was in. 

"Good." Bakugou stated before turning to look at Todoroki. Said other teen tensed upon meeting Bakugou's fiery gaze, "Get him the fucking medicine." He ordered.

Todoroki just nodded and turned to do that.

"Now," Bakugou mumbled, stepping over to Kiri and crouching down in front of him, "Why were you crying?"

Kiri stared down at Bruce and shrugged, "Y-you lef' me all 'lone." He sniffled. Bakugou hung his head and let out a long sigh. 

Guess these two are just gonna be extra clingy and difficult while they're not feeling good. 

"Did Icy-Hot give you medicine?" He asked the former red head as he picked him back up.

"Uh huh. Was icky." Kiri mumbled, laying his head on Bakugou's shoulder.

"Did he give you water to wash it down?" Bakugou continued as he walked over to his closet. He knew he had extra bedsheets in here. After some rummaging, he found it and, unfortunately it might be a bit embarrassing. It was his old All Might bedsheets. Good thing these kids have protection because he'd kill them if they ruined these vintage sheets. 

"No." Kiri answered, pouting. 

"That fucking asshole." Bakugou said, getting a little chuckle from Kiri. He set the sheets on the bed, "Okay, I'm gonna put you down but only so you can climb on my back. I can't exactly make a bed with one fuckin' hand." He warned before setting the toddler down and getting him adjusted on his back, "Don't choke me, got it?" He said, feeling a little nod against his shoulder. 

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