Chapter 4: Dinner and Bedtime

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A/N: I am so sorry you guys have had to wait so long. Shit is gettin' real busy with school for me.

Also, I'm currently working on a Dabi/Touya animatic because the manga got me hyped and a lot of my focus has been going there (I only have the bridge of the song and the last verse to draw for and I'll be done!)

I'll definitely let you guys know when that's done and post the link

Anyways, sorry, here's the long-awaited chapter

Also, remember to send me ideas for both the direction of the story/scenarios you wanna see as well as doodle ideas since probably after this chapter will be the first Doodle chapter for this fic!



Midoriya tried his best to focus and participate in the study session but his eyelids just felt so very very heavy. 

It was barely even 5 pm so why the hell was he so exhausted. Maybe that guy's quirk drained his body's energy due to the fact that it had shrunk. 

Or maybe it's because his now-toddler body didn't get any sort of nap.

Probably the latter. 

He rested his squishy little cheek into his hand as he struggled to copy down something from Iida's notes. But, soon, his eyelids drifted shut and he slipped into slumberland.

Uraraka noticed and breathed out her nose, slapping a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. It was just so goddamn cute. With his soft little freckled cheeks and his mouth slightly open and the tiny bit of drool starting to drip down his chin.

Todoroki glanced over and spotted the napping boy. His chest clenched. The only time he's ever felt that was when holding a little baby bunny rabbit. 

Midoriya is like a little baby bunny rabbit.





Not that one.

The other three, definitely, though.

"Are you finished copying definitions, Todoroki?" Iida asked, pulling Todoroki out of his thoughts. 

"Oh, yes." The two-toned boy answered, blinking a few times before giving a tiny nod. 

Uraraka's phone dinged and she checked it, "Oh, Hagakure says dinner's ready!" She said, grinning, "We should probably wake Deku up." She suggested, looking back at the green-head, who had dropped his head so it was just laying on his notebook. 

Todoroki, who was sitting closest, nodded, "I'll do it."

He gently leaned towards Midoriya, eyes narrowed as he considered what to do. How does one go about waking up a child? Why did he volunteer for this? Maybe he should let Uraraka do it. She seems like she'd be better around kids. Though Midoriya's still a teen in his brain so this is no different than any normal day. So then how does one go about waking up their teenage friend? And, most importantly, how does one go about waking up their teenage friend who is now stuck in the body of a child and who you might also have a crush on maybe but seriously have no idea if that's romantic or platonic because you've never really had friends before and so you don't know what it feels like to be cared about by your peers and it kind of freaks you out but also makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside but also that same friend makes you get extra warm and fuzzy to the point that your face burns and your heart races whenever you see them?

How do you go about waking someone up in that scenario?

Todoroki leaned in closer.

"Midoriya." He stated in his normal tone of voice, reaching a hand out to poke the boy's face, "Dinner." He explained, continuing to poke.

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