Chapter 16: Roki in Charge

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm really happy with my life right now, my internship is going great, I just finished my first contracting project and have another one to do and my youtube channel is actually getting revenue 


Coming here to write my silly little fics and read your nice comments has really helped me keep up morale and just keep pushing myself forward so thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for supporting me

Enough with that sappy stuff, enjoy!


Kirishima and Midoriya had finished their snacks and were now snoozing peacefully cuddled up against Todoroki's left side. Or well, Midoriya was on his lap while Kiri sat next to them and leaned against the teen. Even Todoroki seemed to be dozing off.

Bakugou scrunched up his nose at the disgustingly adorable scene. It'd make his heart melt if he wasn't a stone cold manly man. 

He gets why Midoriya and Kiri were tired, they were tiny, woke up not feeling well, and just had their snack. But Todoroki on the other hand, was a teenager who has literally done nothing all day today. Except nap. At least Bakugou's actually done stuff. He's the one who deserves a nap around here.

He turned his attention back to the TV, which was still playing animated movies from whatever marathon was going on. Why the hell was he still watching this? The toddlers had been asleep for nearly an hour now. 

And yet Bakugou hadn't changed the channel. 

Whatever, it's because the remote was out of reach and he didn't wanna wake up the sleeping beauties. 


That's it.

Definitely not the fact that Bakugou had a secret fondness for animated TV shows and movies. 



He pulled out his phone to check the time. Considering he promised a dumbass stupid party for losing that goddamn snowball fight, he should probably get going to the store to get supplies. Nothing big. Just ingredients to make a good curry. And of course chocolate cake. 'Cause that's Kiri's favorite. But of course, Bakugou's making it homemade. None of that boxed powder shit. If Bakugou is going to do something, he's going to do it right. And also the best that it's ever done. 

Since he promised a party, he should probably get balloons or whatever. Ugh. What a pain. 

He should probably get started on all that.

Which means he's either gotta wake everyone up to drag two tired toddlers and a tired teen to run errands with him or he's gotta leave Todoroki in charge.

Neither seemed like a great idea.

He'd ask his classmates but most of them had either gone home for the weekend or were out doing their typical weekend activities like seeing movies or going to the mall or whatever. 

So it looks like he's only got one choice. 

He reached over and tapped at Todoroki's shoulder. The boy jerked awake, on full alert looking around as if ready to jump up and fight a villain any second now. 

"Calm down, jeez," Bakugou grumbled, keeping his voice quiet to avoid waking the children any more than they already were by Todoroki's little scare, "I'm gonna run some errands, don't fucking kill them while I'm gone." He said, standing up. 

Todoroki blinked a few times as his brain processed what Bakugou just said. 


That means that Todoroki will be in charge.

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