Chapter 17: It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake

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A/N: My internship has offered me a full time position so guess who's now a full time illustrator :). I'm really happy, I love the people there and the work I do is always something different and I can't wait to stay for a while :).

(Also now I really get to save money so that's a huge bonus)

(Also also I might be getting a cat soon so that's EXCITING I fucken love cats)

Remember to check out my newest fic "Flip the Personality Switch" because I can tell I'll have a lot of fun with that one

Anyways, thanks everyone for being here and supporting me so here's another chapter!



When Todoroki came back down to the common area, Bakugou and the toddlers were nowhere to be seen. Which, to Todoroki's surprise, immediately made him panic. 

What happened to them?! Did Bakugou take them somewhere outside the dorms? Did they run away? What if someone got hurt and they're at the hospital???

His worries were cut short by some giggling coming from the kitchen. He made his way in to see Bakugou putting an apron on Midoriya. Kiri already had his on and was excitedly bouncing up and down, holding a whisk. 

"What are you--" Todoroki began to ask before an apron was thrown at his face. 

"Shut up and put this on." Bakugou said, finishing up tying Midoriya's little apron and standing up. 

Todoroki complied but was still very confused, "But why?" He wondered, tying the strings behind his back as he strolled over. 

"We're making a cake, dumbass." Bakugou explained, looking over the counter to make sure he had all the ingredients out. 

"But I don't know how--" Todoroki tried saying, getting a book shoved into his hands.

"I fucking know, which is why you're just reading the damn recipe." Bakugou said, flipping the cookbook open to the correct page. Todoroki nodded slowly, glancing over the words. 

"Why are you making a cake?" Todoroki wondered. There were so many questions and Todoroki just felt so lost. 

"I promised this little demon that I would." Bakugou answered, pointing his thumb at Kiri.

"An-an heros keep dey p'omises!!" Kiri declared, getting an excited nod from Midoriya, who was trying to stand on his tip toes to see over the counter. 

Bakugou nudged over a stool with his foot for the little guy to stand on, which he happily did. And because he's fucking prepared, he kicked a second one over to Kiri before the kid could even think about asking for one too. 

Kiri just giggled and stepped up. 

Todoroki stood there in a bit of shock. It still blows his mind how apparently good Bakugou is with kids. Like damn. Todoroki would've never expected it. Or maybe he's just really good with the kid versions of his friends. Even though he'd never admit that they were friends. 

Todoroki likes having friends.

And apparently he was completely zoned out because next thing he knew, Bakugou was snapping his fingers in front of his face. 

"You suck at your job." The blonde grumbled, getting a slightly annoyed look from the two-toned boy.

"You da shoe chef, Roki! Gotta pay 'ttention!!" Midoriya said. 

"Ids 'zoo chef'." Kirishima tried correcting.

"You're both wrong," Bakugou told them both before turning back to Todoroki.

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