Chapter 21: Timid Ten Year Olds

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A/N: Sorry for hiatuses (lol I've been apologizing for that since I've started my job whoops)

Pls don't get mad at me, I'm doing my best and also I've been preoccupied with various unfinished projects and also starting to play genshin that writing my silly little fics have been put on the back burner

But I am going to try and commit to updating my works in progress this month

dont hold me to that tho lol


The four boys finished breakfast and headed out towards the main building. It was still pretty early so not many other students were on their way to class yet. 

Midoriya trailed along in the back, taking in the overwhelming sight of his dream school right in front of him. He just...can't believe he's at UA. That apparently he's a student at UA. 

It just didn't make sense. 

How did he get in?

Like, don't get him wrong, he's stoked as heck for his future self accomplishing his dream but he just couldn't wrap his head around this being his future. 

Kacchan probably knows...

But he's too scared to ask him about it right now. 

Kacchan has always been bigger and stronger but now Midoriya is pretty sure the blonde could snap him like a twig.

The thought sent chills down his spine. 

It didn't help that Kacchan had this scowl on his face that made it seem like he could snap any moment. 

Kacchan yells really loud.

And Midoriya is sure it's way louder and scary coming from the teenage version of his...friend? 

Their disaster of a friendship is too complicated to get into right now. Especially since Midoriya is now walking into UA. 

It's just a lot to handle right now.

And he's getting a little overwhelmed. 

"--doriya?" A voice floated into Midoriya's green head. 

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, standing in front of said boy and leaning down some to see his face. 

Midoriya blinked a few times, "Y-Yeah?" He said softly, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. 

"Are you okay? You were mumbling and your hands were shaking." He pointed out. After spending a good amount of time with him, he picked up on Midoriya's nervous tells. And friends ask their friends if they're okay when they're acting off so Todoroki does just that. Usually it's a false alarm but he still likes to make sure. 

"O-oh, um, sorry." Midoriya mumbled, glancing away.

Todoroki furrowed his brows in confusion, "Why are you apologizing?" He wondered. 

Midoriya looked at him, equally confused, "U-um..." He started, trying to figure out what he's actually sorry for, other than just existing, "F-for mumbling. It's annoying." He finally said. Kacchan always yelled at him whenever he mumbled. Said it's dumb and annoying and he needs to learn to stop before it really pisses someone off. Kacchan was just warning him about mean people. He's looking out for him....right?

Midoriya shook his head to get the thoughts to go away.

There he goes overthinking things again. 

He needs to stop before he starts mumbling.

"This is our classroom." Todoroki said, deciding not to press further about...whatever Midoriya meant by what he said. 

Midoriya glanced up at the classroom number.

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