Chapter 12: A Bit More than the Sniffles

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A/N: So I'm going ahead with the Patreon stuff so that should be launching soon which is v exciting!!!

But before that, which design do you guys like best for a sticker design? (pics at end of chapter)

Hope to see you guys over there!!! (and it is perfectly okay if you don't, continuing to enjoy my work is enough!!!!!!!)


Todoroki carried Midoriya downstairs and set him down near one of the couches so he could go grab them both some hot chocolate. Midoriya immediately toddled over to sit next to Kiri so they could watch whatever movie was on.

Tsuyu happily filled up some mugs for them, making sure Midoriya's was in his special All Might mug. Though, Todoroki was a bit worried that the kid would poke his eyes out with All Might's ceramic hair sticking up so he made sure to grab a straw just in case. 

Midoriya was in the middle of a sneezing fit when Todoroki re-entered the room. 

"Jesus Christ, Deku, chill." Bakugou grumbled, reaching for the box of tissues to try and get Midoriya to blow his nose.

"In elbow!" Kiri tried saying, doing a little sneezing motion into the crook of his arm. His parents told him to do that so he doesn't get germs anywhere! And right now Midoriya is getting germs everywhere!

Bakugou stuck a tissue under Midoriya's nose, "Close your mouth and blow, dammit." He ordered. Midoriya did and stopped sneezing. Bakugou scrunched up his nose, "Fucking gross." He mumbled to himself, tossing the tissue into the trash can nearby. 

Midoriya went to wipe his nose with his hands and arms, "NO! TISSUE! FUCK!" Bakugou declared, shoving the box of tissues into the kid's hands. Jeez, kids are so fucking gross. 

Midoriya pulled out a tissue and wiped his nose, "Fanks, Kacchan." He said, standing up to go throw his tissue away.

"Just try not to get snot everywhere." Bakugou stated as Todoroki finally set Midoriya's mug of hot cocoa down on the table. This got a happy little gasp as he went to take a sip.

"Careful, it's hot." Todoroki warned, sitting down on the couch behind Midoriya with his own mug. 

Bakugou glared at Todoroki, "Do you have to sit on the same couch?" He asked, annoyed that he's gonna have to share now. Makes you wonder who the real toddler is here.

Todoroki glanced over and took a sip of hot chocolate, "No." He replied with just a hint of snark in his voice. 

Bakugou narrowed his eyes. 



The rest of the evening progressed with a big delivery of about 10 pizza boxes since that's apparently a reasonable amount for 18 teenagers and two toddlers. 

Or mostly just because some students had very strange requests.

Like who the fuck ordered pineapple, which is bad enough, with anchovies?!?!!?

That person needs to be kicked out of the hero program because only a villain would want such a monstrosity. 

Neither Kirishima nor Midoriya ate more than half of a slice each. Which, yeah, they're tiny and have tiny stomachs of which were just filled with hot chocolate, but still, it was strange. 

Plus, after Midoriya finished his hot cocoa, he climbed up onto the couch and started to cuddle up to Todoroki's left side saying he was cold. 

Kirishima just fell asleep slumped over with his head on the coffee table. 

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