Chapter 3: Tiny Boys in the Dorms Tonight

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"You're still studying with me tonight." Bakugou reminded Kirishima, who sighed and threw his head back.

"Aw man, bu' I don' wanna!" He whined. He's going through a lot right now and thinks he should be exempt from the test tomorrow. 

"Ei, you literally have a 69%--" Bakugou started grumbling, getting a quick little giggle from Kiri before rolling his eyes to continue, "--and I'm not letting you fail another goddamn test." He finished. Kiri sighed.

"Fine, bu' I'm hung'y." Kirishima pointed out, placing a hand on his empty stomach. He usually has a protein bar after classes end but today he didn't get his little snack and now he's starving. 

"What, can you not snack and think at the same time?" Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow. They can eat something while they study. Hey, it could even be an incentive. See, not all of Bakugou's methods have to include smacking his tutee upside the head with a wad of paper. 

"My beef je'ky's s'ill in yer room, wight??" Kiri wondered. That was his favorite snack of all time. It tasted good, provided him with protein, and made him feel many all the while. 

"Can your baby teeth handle it? You only buy the tough shit." Bakugou pointed out, recalling the time Kiri made him try a piece and Bakugou could barley even get a bite. Of course he eventually did because he can do anything because he's the perfect man, but that struggle was annoying. 

"Yeah! I s'ill go' sharp teef!" Kirishima explained, turning to look at Bakugou with a big toothy grin to show off his sharp pearly whites. 

Bakugou actually smirked some, "I pity your mother if you were breastfed." He mumbled softly, getting a little smack on the head from Kiri.

"Di'ty." Kiri scolded, giving him another, albeit very soft, smack. 

Meanwhile, Midoriya was legitimately falling asleep in Todoroki's arms. Maybe it was the sort of rocking motion that came with being carried while that person was walking or maybe he was just really tired. 

"Are you still okay, Midoriya?" Todoroki wondered, still kinda skeptical that the little guy was uninjured by whatever encounter him and Kiri had. 

Midoriya nodded a little bit, rubbing one of his eyes and lifting his head from Todoroki's shoulder, "Yeah, 'm fine, jus' twired." He slurred. He should've eaten more at lunch today. He was busy trying to get ahead on some homework that he neglected most of the food on his tray. Much to the disapproval of Iida who made him eat a piece of bread for the carbohydrates. 

"Okay." Todoroki stated, going silent for a bit before speaking up again, "Will you still study with us tonight?" He decided to ask. Midroiya let out a long breath. Aw man he totally forgot about the test tomorrow. 

"I needa," Midoriya slurred. He really should considering he's pretty sure Aizawa isn't gonna let him be excused. One time Kaminari was under the influence of a quirk that made him have feet for hands and he still had to take the test. So as long as Midoriya and Kirishima still have their teenage faculties, Aizawa probably won't let them have a pass. 

Though, Midoriya hopes they keep their teenage minds. Like hopefully their minds don't start drifting to match their bodies. Oh geez, that'd suck. The guy who did this didn't give any sort of timeframe, he just said 'eventually.' Does eventually in this sense mean days or literally 13 years until they're physically 16 again? He wonders if it depends on the amount of time they were in contact with the guy. Or maybe it's just random every time. Maybe they should head back there and somehow get the guy's number. That way they can get more info and hopefully get this over with sooner rather than later. Or--

"Deku I swear to god shut up!" Bakugou snapped, twirling around and glaring at the tiny green head. Learn to think without mumbling goddammit. 

Kirishima frowned at his boyfriend, giving him a little smack on the cheek and clearing his throat. Bakugou narrowed his eyes for a moment.

"Please will you shut the fuck up." He corrected, getting a little sigh from Kiri. It was closer but still pretty far from the manners they've been working on. Though, apparently to Bakugou, he had great manners, it was just everyone else who were pussies.

Midoriya blushed some, "Whoops." He mumbled. Todoroki gave him a little reassuring pat on the back.

"At least it distracted you enough to get us back to the dorms." He pointed out, beginning to ascend the front steps. 

Since tomorrow was a pretty big test, the common area was vacant. Most everyone were in their separate rooms studying or hosting study groups in their rooms. 

Bakugou and Kirishima headed straight to Bakugou's room.

"You want pajamas?" Bakugou asked, setting Kiri down on his bed and setting the backpack and shopping bags on the floor. 

"Sure." Kirishima answered, shrugging. No use putting on regular clothes if he's gonna just change into pj's in a few hours. 

"Here." Bakugou said, ripping off the tags and handing over the tiny pair of pajamas. It was dragon themed with a red shirt and a bunch of red dragons on the pants. 

Kiri grabbed them and shuffled to the bathroom to change. Luckily the clothes were just a simple 'slip on' kind of thing with no buttons or zippers. Kiri could already tell that his motor skills have been greatly diminished. After all, what the heck are you even supposed to do with hands this tiny and squishy? Nothing, that's what. 

He came back out of the bathroom and dropped his giant school uniform on the floor. 

"Here's your jerky, you get a piece every time you answer a question right." Bakugou explained, taking his usual study spot on the bed and holding up the package of beef jerky.

Kiri sighed, "Bu' I'm hung'y nooow." He whined as he climbed up onto the bed. 

"Then answer correctly." Bakugou stated, opening the textbook to the review questions and beginning to quiz his tiny boyfriend. 

Meanwhile, Todoroki and Midoriya rode the elevator up to the top floor where Todoroki's dorm was. 

They opened the door and entered.

"Oh hey, you're back--" Uraraka began, voice trailing off when she saw the child in Todoroki's arms. 

"Todoroki, why do you have a child? Where are his parents?" Iida asked, standing and adjusting his glasses as he walked over. 

"It's Midoriya." Todoroki answered, "And I'm not sure where his parents are." He added, narrowing his eyes some in thought. Is that something he should know. He doesn't think he's even ever seen Midoriya's parents. Or maybe he has in the form of the former number one hero. Todoroki shook the thought away. That's a matter for another day. Right now he needs to focus. 

Uraraka gasped and hopped over, "Oh my god, Deku, you're so small!" She gushed.

Midoriya blushed, "Whish's why I wanna ge' in c'othes dat fit me." He mumbled, glancing down at the shopping bags. 

"Oh yeah." Todoroki said, setting the Midoriya as well as the bags down. Midoriya blushed harder, realizing just how absolutely tiny he really was right now. He wasn't even three feet tall. This is so embarrassing. He rummaged through the bags and found a plain shirt and shorts, shuffling to the bathroom to change. 

When he came back out, the other three were sitting around Todoroki's little table trying to pretend like they weren't just all chatting about how small and cute Midoriya is. 

"'Et's jus' s'udy, 'kay?" He mumbled, face burning as he sat by the table and then had to adjust to kneel so he could properly see. 

Let's hope "eventually" means "soon" because Midoriya doesn't think he can handle anymore embarrassment. 

Or that his big kid brain drains away for a bit so he doesn't have to think about any of this.

Either is fine. 

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