Chapter 10: Let's Get This Snow on the Road

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A/N: I uploaded a speedpaint and Q&A to my youtube channel (will post vid at the end of this chapter)

I'm working on another speedpaint and would like to maybe have another Q&A so give me your questions! (can be about me, about what I like, something completely random, or anything!)



Midoriya giggled as he bounced around in Todoroki's arms. It was still snowing outside and he kept trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. Which should've been easy since the snow was falling in those big clusters, but he wasn't having much luck.

Best he could get was catching them in his hair and on his eyelashes. 

Which made him look like a snow kissed pine tree. 

And which made Todoroki smile.

Yeah it's cold out here but he's holding a sweet little sunshine in his arms that's keeping his heart nice and warm. 

Though, it seemed like that little sunshine was getting chilly. 

"We're almost to the dorm building." Todoroki assured him.

"Okeeee." Midoriya mumbled through chattering teeth. Todoroki squeezed him a little tighter with his left arm, hoping some of the warmth would rub off. 

They finally got inside and Todoroki set the toddler down. The moment Midoriya's little feet hit the floor, he darted straight to the elevator. He frantically tapped the button as Todoroki strolled over. As they waited, he bounced up and down impatiently.

"Why're you in such a hurry?" Todoroki wondered. It's not like the snow is gonna disappear in the 2 minutes it takes to properly bundle Midoriya up. 

"Es-ited!!!" Midoriya squealed, "We-we gon' make da BIGGEST snowman!!!! An-an we gon' buil' a i'goo an' den we gon' make snow angels an-an we cou'd s'ed! Do we gotta s'ed anywhe'?? Or-or any big hiws??? Cuz-cuz I dere's lots'a twees bu' we shou'd'n't s'ed dere cuz we-cuz we cou'd hit da twees an ge' hurt bu' I'm reaw stwong an' I don' ge' hurt easy bu-bu I don' wan' anybody else ta ge' hurt--" By the time Midoriya's nearly incoherent rambling had began to subside, Todoroki had already managed to get him in some snowpants, boots, a thick jacket, and a scarf. 

"I can make an ice slide so you don't have to worry about hitting trees." Todoroki told the kid, who grinned and nodded. 

"Kay bu' don' make it too high, kay? Cuz Kacchan migh' wanna turn bu' he's 'fraid of heights." Midoriya said as Todoroki struggled to get a warm hat to stay on top of Midoriya's unruly head of hair. 

Todoroki finally managed to get it on and moved onto getting some tiny gloves onto Midoriya's tiny hands. 

"Got it." He said with a nod. 

And with that, Midoriya was ready to take on the snow. He started toddling around, struggling to really move all that much considering the puffy layers he wore. He didn't seem to mind all that much, just giggles and shuffled to the door. 

Todoroki got himself a decent jacket and a scarf. Weather and temperature didn't really bother him all that much but he still prefers dressing "appropriately" for those situations. Plus, it helps him keep his whole body at the same temperature level rather than drastically cooling or heating up one side and having to manage his quirk all the time. This just makes things simpler. 

And apparently Todoroki was thinking too much right now because there was a little bouncing toddler in his doorway now whining for him to hurry. 

"Sorry, okay, let's go." He said, picking Midoriya up as he walked by and heading to the elevator. 

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