Chapter 1: The Mishap

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A/N: I have no clue how long this fic is gonna end up being, depends on my motivation/inspiration and also depends on you guys telling me what you want!

Either way, I hope you all enjoy this!


The end-of-school bell rang and the sound of zipping backpacks and shuffling papers also rang throughout the room. (EDIT: this used to say "sipping" instead of "zipping" idk how tf u sip a backpack but oh well)

Midoriya was still scribbling down some last second notes as Aizawa began erasing the board.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped, so engrossed in his note taking that he had completely blocked out his surroundings. 

Uraraka, who tapped him, laughed some, "You sure are jumpy today," She commented with another giggle, "Anyway, a few of us were going to have a study session for the test tomorrow, wanna join?" She wondered as Todoroki slung his backpack over one shoulder and strolled over. 

Midoriya closed his notebook and nodded, "Yeah, I just have to stop by the convenience store and get some supplies for my work study first." He said, beginning to shove his stuff away into his backpack. 

Kirishima, who had walked over to Bakugou's desk and was currently leaning on it, perked up, "Oh! Can I come? I need stuff too." He asked. 

"You're not getting out of studying that easy, shitty hair." Bakugou grumbled, yanking at Kiri's tie. Bakugou was conducting a hardcore study session with this beautiful idiot of a man because he knows for damn sure Kirishima needs it. And Bakugou has graciously offered to tutor. Even if he does have some more intense and violent methods. 

"We'll be real quick, I promise!" Kirishima assured him, offering a big toothy grin. 

"Tch, you fucking better." Bakugou warned, glaring him down before finally letting go of Kiri's tie. 

Midoriya stood, "Let's hurry then." He said, sliding on his backpack. Kirishima nodded and they both started heading out.

"We'll be waiting up in Todoroki's room!" Uraraka called, waving at Midoriya.

"Oh." Todoroki mumbled, unaware that is was apparently his turn to host the study night. He didn't even put away his bed mat. Or his laundry. He doesn't like having to do his own laundry. Fuyumi always did it for him. But now he's gotta do it by himself. The first time he tried, he accidently put it in the dryer first. Detergent and everything. Suffice it to say, they had to get a new dryer. And now nobody trusts him when he's in the laundry room alone. 

Midoriya gave a thumbs up before him and Kirishima slipped out of the room.

Soon, they were off campus and strolling casually down the street towards the convenience store. 

"So what do you need to get?" Midoriya wondered.

"Just some more bottles of mineral water and hair gel." Kirishima answered, reaching up to touch one of his sculpted spikes. He was also planning on discretely grabbing a new box of red hair dye and bleach since his roots are starting to show but he's not yet willing to admit to his classmate that he's not a natural redhead, "What about you?" He wondered, reaching his arms up before resting his hands behind his head.

Midoriya gave a small smile and sighed, "Bandages." He answered, "And athletic tape. But mostly bandages." He sighed again. He just wishes his body was stronger and could handle this quirk. But, alas, he is small and frail and has to put in a whole lot more work before he can use more of One For All. 

Midoriya was about to follow up with a question asking how Kirishima's work study was going, especially with Tamaki since Midoriya would love to see that guy in action and see what brought him to be a part of the big three in the first place, but he was suddenly interrupted by a person darting out of the alley they were walking by.

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