Chapter 15: Snacktime Makes Everything Better

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A/N: Sorry, it's been a while guys, been busy having a job :)

And also my girlfriend visited last week and it was really fun, we went to a creepy abandoned mall, the aquarium, zoo, and just hung out and watched movies :) (but now I really miss her cause she lives in Maine and I'm in Kentucky)

Also fuck cicadas. All my homies hate cicadas. They're so loud and keep divebombing me when I go outside. 

But anyways, here's a long awaited update. 


Bakugou hoisted Kirishima up onto his shoulders, where the toddler sat happily playing with Bakugou's surprisingly soft hair. 

Todoroki just picked Midoriya up and held him on his hip. He wasn't very versed in the different ways you can hold a kid. Which is understandable but then begs the question; how did Bakugou get so good at dealing with kids?

"Bakugou, how did you learn about taking care of kids?" Todoroki asked, jogging a few steps to catch up with the blonde. 

"Babysat my brat cousins a lot." Bakugou answered flatly. It felt strange not to be yelled at as a response but Todoroki appreciated the weird mutual respect they'd built up upon being thrusted into this caretaker situation. 

Kind of like they were parents to Midoriya and Kirishima. 

Todoroki furrowed his brows and brought his free hand to his chin.

"Which one of us is the mother??" He thought aloud. 

"Eh?!" Bakugou asked, twirling his head around to shoot a disgusted expression at the half-and-half boy. 

"Kacchan is the mama!" Midoriya answered, smiling over at him. 

Kiri giggled in agreement, "Cause-cause he's got boobies!" He pointed out. 

Bakugou's face immediately flashed bright red. "SH-SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!!" He declared, voice cracking from the pure raw embarrassment. 

Todoroki turned the other direction to snicker. 

"TH-THEY'RE CALLED PECS!" Bakugou corrected, face burning. He clenched his fists.

"Boobies." Midoriya giggled, honestly just wanting to say the funny word. 

Baugou huffed hard out of his nose.

"For saying that, you're gonna have to walk the rest of the way!" Bakugou grumbled, lifting Kiri off his shoulders and setting him on the ground. 

Kirishima's face immediately fell and he gripped onto Bakugou's pent leg. 

"Bu-bu' I-I 'ike 'em! D-dey sof'." Kiri explained bottom lip wobbling. 

Bakugou narrowed his eyes at the tiny little guy. 

He's not gonna give in to Kiri's emotional manipulation. 

Kiri just said that Bakugou has tits, which he DOESN'T (author's note: he does) and now he's being all pouty about Bakugou putting him down for that unforgivable insult?

Bakugou is gonna stand his ground. So he crossed his arms with a huff.

That was, until he heard pitiful little sniffling and felt a sad little tug on his pant leg.

"I-I so-sowwy," Kiri squeaked, a few tears pricking the corners of his eyes. 

Bakugou sighed.


He picked Kiri back up.

"Stop fuckin' crying, it's no big deal." He said softly, using his thumb to wipe away a tear. Kiri sniffled.

Todoroki coughed to cover up one last chuckle before turning back around, "Sorry, that's no way to treat a lady." He stated.

Bakugou narrowed his eyes, "Fuck you." He grumbled before turning to continue the trek to the kitchen. Todoroki followed soon after, a proud little smirk on his face. 

Once there, Bakugou sat Kiri on the counter so he could more easily search the fridge for juice. The fridge and cabinets were always filled with the brim with whatever sugary shit his classmates consumed. Those freaks. Would it hurt them to try to eat a little healthier? Like, come on, how are you supposed to be a hero if all you put in your body is garbage? 

But whatever, that's a rant for another day. And something teen Kirishima has definitely heard a million times over. 

"We got orange juice, apple juice, fruit punch, tropical punch, uh, you probably don't want cranberry juice..." He listed, glancing around. 

"Foot punsh!" Kiri said happily.

"Um, or'ge." Midoriya answered from Todoroki's arms. 

"Icy-hot, didn't we get sippy cups at the store the other day?" Bakugou asked, remembering the strange assortment of items they'd picked up when this whole incident took place.

"I think so." Todoroki answered with a nod.

"Go get 'em. Should be in the bag on my desk." Bakugou ordered as he pulled out the big juice bottles. 

Todoroki sighed, wanting to protest about being sent on an errand but deciding to just do what he's told. He set Midoriya down before turning and jogging back to the elevators. 

A minute or so later, he returned with one red and one green sippy cup. 

Bakugou filled them up with juice and once they were handed over to the toddlers, they began chugging. 

"Hey, careful, you're gonna choke!" He warned Kiri, pulling the cup away much to the dismay of Kiri. 

"You two must be feeling better." Todoroki stated, smiling at them as they toddled along towards the couch. 

"Uh huh! Jus' needed nap an' jooooose!!!" Midoriya said with a giggle. 

Bakugou grabbed the box of goldfish from the cabinet before following everyone into the main living area. He set down some napkins on the coffee table and poured out some of the goldfish for each boy. They hadn't eaten today and while this isn't the best option, it's better than nothing. Besides, better to give them something light on their stomachs. 

Kiri sat down on the floor so he could eat his goldfish. When Bakugou didn't sit directly behind him, he whined and patted the couch where he wanted Bakugou to sit. The blonde sighed and scooted over. Kiri hummed happily and leaned back against Bakugou's legs. 

"You're pitiful." He pointed out, just getting a little smile from behind Kiri's sippy cup. 

Meanwhile Midoriya was insistent on sitting in Todoroki's lap so Todoroki was stuck on the floor with Midoriya happily perched in between his legs.

So they sat, watching whatever show was on, which right now seemed to be some animated show about a house that belongs to owls? Bakugou can't be sure, he was mostly zoned out on his phone. 

Either way, it was a nice peaceful afternoon.


A/N: Sorry this was kinda short, better short than nothing at all, right? 

Also, I think I'm gonna be wrapping this fic up soon. I know the next big "thing" that's gonna happen and then I think it's about time to let this fic end.

I have other fics I wanna focus on and a few ideas of new ones so don't worry, it's not like this is the end of my de-age stories or any of my fics at all.

See you all again soon hopefully!


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