Its Positive

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It's been 3 months since Damon and I have been back together, we're stronger than anything. Every day we just keep getting stronger and falling for each other even more.

I bounced my knee nervously as I waited for the round to start. I normally am never nervous at Damon's fights but tonight was different. Damon was up against Nick McKane, who has never lost a fight. "Please stop your making me nervous" Vanessa said as I gave her an apologetic smile "So are you sure?" She asked loud enough over the crowd but not loud enough to concern Cole, Jared, Joey or Mark. I shrugged my shoulders "We should get a test after the fight." She said as I nodded quickly, It's been two weeks since I was supposed to get my period, and I haven't. I never have missed my period before it's always on time even when I'm stressed.

I nervously shook as I watched Damon bleeding from the cuts on his face, "Come on Damon!" I yelled over the loud crowd as he dodged Nick's next hit and left hooked him before sending Nick to the ground. The crowd was silent for a second before cheering "He did it!" I yelled excitedly when Joey walked over to him "Let's get you checked out." He shook his head and pushed past Joey and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't care if he was all bloody, sweaty and gross. I loved when he hugs me after his fights. I smiled up at him "You did it." I smiled as he smiled even wider "Because I knew you were my prize." He winked as I shook my head "You fucking did it, kid." Mark pulled him away from me and hugged him. "I'll see you at your place, I'm going back with Vanessa to get my bag." I smiled as he nodded before walking off with Joey "You ready?" She asked as I hesitated before nodding my head.

I patiently waited for the test to be ready when Vanessa walked into the bathroom with Lindsey behind her "I'm in here." I told them as they both rolled their eyes at me "Is it positive?" Lindsey asked, "Wait, how did you find out?" I asked as Vanessa gave me a small smile "Well I asked Damon for her number saying we needed a girls night and yeah." Vanessa told me as I nodded before sighing when my timer scared me. We all jumped looking at my phone on the sink next to the test "I-I can't." I shook, my palms were sweaty as Vanessa just stood there when Lindsey sighed before picking it up "Oh. My. God." Was all she said making me completely nervous when she smiled widely "You're going to have a baby!" She yelled, making me smile widely as Vanessa screeched loudly "I'm going to be an aunt!" She yelled as I laughed, hugging them both before my laughing turned into crying. "What's wrong?" Lindsey asked as I wiped my tears that kept falling. "He's going to hate me." I cried harder "No he's not, he's going to be so happy." Vanessa told me as I shook my head "We haven't even graduated high school, neither of us have jobs, I have a fight tomorrow." I told them truthfully as she nodded "You have to tell Joey you can't." Lindsey told me as I sighed knowing she was right before nodding. I quickly wiped my eyes before walking out of the bathroom. "I have to tell Joey and then I have to tell Damon." I told them as they gave me each a small smile before nodding their heads.

I walked through the old rusted door of the gym, today's Friday and I told Joey I wasn't feeling good so he let me stay home to rest up for tomorrow. I watched as Mark and Jared boxed, Cole was doing sit ups and punching the bag and I didn't see Damon or Joey. "Damon's in the bathroom." Cole I walked into the back towards Joey's office. I knocked and waited for a response "Come in." He yelled out as I nervously opened his door before closing it behind me "Hey kid, what's up?" He asked as I nervously stood there "I-I don't know how to tell you this, but I-I can't..I can't box for a while." I told him nervously as he furrowed his eyebrows "If it's because your nervous about tomorrow, trust me -" he started, but I cut him off "I'm pregnant." He stopped and looked at me with wide eyes "What?" He asked as I sighed "I'm pregnant." I told him as he jumped up and hugged me, squeezing me "Joey." I choked out as he chuckled "I need to go congratulate Damon." He smiled as I shook my head "He doesn't know yet, I was waiting for him to finish his boxing today." I told him as he sighed "Erin." He said while crossing his arms over his chest "What?" I asked clueless "You weren't going to, you were hoping he was going to end up finding you." He told me as I glared "No." I said as he gave me a face as I sighed "I am." I told him as he nodded "So go." He said making my hands sweat "Okay." I told him before walking out of his office and into the area with the bags.

I sat down and watched them box when Damon smiled and walked up to me "Come on, let's box." He said as I shook my head, "Come on, don't be a baby." He said as I glared playfully before getting up "Fine." I said as he smiled, "That's my girl." My stomach did flips just from him saying 'my girl' I smiled as he wrapped my hands for me. I put my gloves on after as did he as we both stepped into the ring. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked with excitement as I gave him a small nod before I hit my gloves against his and put my hands up. "Are you crazy?" Joey yelled from behind me before we could even box, I turned around to see Joey glaring "No fighting." He warned as I felt my hands start to sweat and I felt my cheeks heat up "Why can't she fight?" Damon asked with confusion "Erin." Joey warned as I sighed "Damon we need to talk, I'm not fighting tomorrow." I told him as he slowly nodded "Why not? Are you okay?" He asked to examine my body "Boys, front room." Joey yelled out as they all started walking away with Joey. "Erin, what's wrong?" He asked as I sighed "I don't want to tell you here." I told him truthfully as he furrowed his eyebrows "Erin, please just tell me." He said as my vision got blurry "Erin." He started but I pulled away from him throwing off the gloves and running out the door, I couldn't handle him hating me.

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